Monday , 31 March 2025

What are trending topics across the internet

More than 2 billion people use internet and it has become part of our lives.This network of networks has revolutionized communication and way people actually live.It is a fact that it helped in removing borders across nations being publicly accessible and in everyone’s reach. We all make use of search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo and entertainment sites like YouTube,Vimeo and informative sites like Wikipedia on daily basis.Can you answer the following questions:

  1. What’s trending across the internet and what is the most searched topic?
  2. Which topics are mostly searched under each category like Technology, Relationships, Entertainment, Lifestyle, Society etc.,?


Human relationships always help us to carry on because they always presuppose further developments, a future -and also because we live as if our only task was precisely to have relationships with other people.Why did I quote this?Well it’s because Relationships is one of the most searched categories across the internet.Under this category people mostly search about Sex,Love,Sexuality,Marriages etc.,The following picture will depict the most trending topics under the category relationships.It is obvious that Rank#1 goes to “SEX”  because the only thing people want more than money,recognition and praise is sex!

trending topics
love and trending topics
marriage and trending topics
family and trending topics
dating and trending topics
girlfriend and trending topics

These are the most trending topics under the category Relationships.The other topics followed by these topics are Step Family,Casual Sex, Divorce, Breakup, Sexuality, Intimate relationships,Wedding, Abortion, Pregnancy,Adultery, Free love, Parenting, Birth control, Friendship etc.,


We live in a society exquisitely dependent on science and technology, in which hardly anyone knows anything about science and technology.Internet is the only thing which educates us about latest advances in technology.Who is not interested in latest advances in technology?The percentage of people who browse topics related to technology is very high and is next to people who browse about relationships.The category technology accommodates all our favorites which include social media, blogging, web, news, games, gadgets, knowledge of machines, tools and techniques etc., To everyone’s surprise Twitter stands tall in this category, so the Rank#1 goes to Twitter.Next comes our super search engine Google followed by our social networking giant Facebook.Guys, if you are interested to know how these have evolved into such great giants in their niche, then please check out our Evolutree for each topic.

twitter and trending topics
google and trending topics
facebook and trending topics
youtube and trending topics
Blogging and trending topics
smartphones and trending topics

These are the most trending topics under the category Technology.These are followed by Yahoo, Microsoft, iOS, Apple Inc, Android, Whatsapp, Tech Crunch, Instagram, Google Play,Pinterest, Reddit, Bluetooth,Samsung, TechTv, Hackathon, Skype, environmental technology, HTC, Emoticons,graphic design,robotics etc.,


A great revolution in just one single individual will help achieve a change in the destiny of a society and, further, will enable a change in the destiny of humankind.Internet has greater impact over our society and living these days.The category Society covers a vast number of topics and in fact the search traffic for these topics is higher than Technology.Well the point here  is topics related to society are searched at greater rates than Business, Sports,Entertainment, Life Style etc.,

Rank 1# goes to Cultural trends in this category.The most trending topics under this category are as follows – Crime, hacking attempts, family law, sex industry, racism, ethics, criminal investigation, burglary, peace, journalism, Yahoo News,  public safety, slavery, piracy, politics, government etc.,


Internet is the ultimate destination for anyone these days with advice and tips on home, outdoor, health, fashion, fitness, food, living and much more.The typical way of life of group of people or an individual is greatly getting effected by internet.People constantly dig internet for topics related to Lifestyle and continuously change themselves.People always evolve with the changing times and everyone is tracking down the changes in trends using web only.Rank 1# goes to Fashion in this category.

fashion and trending topics
bikinis and trending topics
food and trending topics
motorcycles and trending topics

The other topics being searched intensely are cooking, fashion brands, lamborghini, coffee, luxury, bugatti, sustainable gardening, books, sports clothing, spirituality, vacations, ford, superstitions etc.,


This is everyone’s favorite because this category gives us pleasure and delight.Spending on digital entertainment is going to hit a record high $40 billion in near future which proves its strength.People always need some form of entertainment at some point of time in the day to chill out and relax.Rank 1# goes to Keeping up with the kardashians.

The trending topics in the category entertainment are celebrities, vampires, cartoons, music, videos, Play boy, E-books, Buzz Feed, Spider-man, dramas, pornography, rapping, Lego etc.,


Next trending category is sports.We all love sports and this category is so loved that its search traffic is at par with the whole entertainment category.I love cricket and what’s your favorite sport?We could not sort out a clear rank 1 in sports category as each country is crazy about a different game.But we could for sure mention all the trending topics in this category in order.The trending topics are as follows – NBA, NFL, Cricket, Tennis, cheer leading, Basketball, Motor sports, boxing, Miami heat, surfing etc.,


When wealth is lost nothing is lost.When health is lost everything is lost.That is why everyone say that health is wealth.Internet is so very informative that it helps everyone to maintain good health by offering enormous content.What not, whatever you search or whatever might be the search query you would get thousands of results with exhaustive search engine result pages.What can be added to the happiness of a man who is in health, out of debt, and has a clear conscience?This is why people keep searching about health in internet.Rank 1# goes to Health and Skin care.

The other topics which are next to this topic are preventive medicine, psychology, health education, running, metabolism, martial arts, physical exercise, body building etc.,


To make a business decision all we need is greed and great knowledge in that domain and how the game works.Where from people get all the required data to even right a business plan or something.The all in one solution for all the problems we face is internet.You search it you get it.Rank #1 goes to trade and advertising.

The trending topics under this category are Management, crowd funding, startups, insurance, investments, finance, venture capital, sales, crowd sourcing etc.,

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About Sai Prashanth

IT professional. Love to write.