Saturday , 27 July 2024


Words starting with D

Dogfight meaning

Noun: dogfight Pronunciation: (‘dóg,fIt) Dogfight meaning: A fiercely disputed contest Disorderly fighting Synonyms: rough and tumble, scuffle, tussle, hassle An aerial engagement between fighter planes A violent fight between dogs (sometimes organized illegally for entertainment …

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Deserter meaning

Noun: deserter Pronunciation: (di’zur-tu(r)) Deserter meaning: A disloyal person who betrays or deserts his cause or religion or political party or friend etc. [/caption] (military) a person who abandons their duty (as on a military …

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Distort meaning

Verb: distort Pronunciation: (di’stort) Distort meaning: Make false by mutilation or addition; as of a message or story Synonyms: falsify, garble, warp  Form into a bent, curling or spiral shape Synonyms: twist, twine  Twist and …

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Detritus meaning

Noun: detritus Pronunciation: (di’trI-tus) Detritus meaning: The remains of something that has been destroyed or broken up Synonyms: debris, dust, junk, rubble  Loose material (stone fragments and silt etc) that is worn away from rocks …

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Dissemble meaning


Verb: dissemble Pronunciation:  (di’sem-bul) Dissemble meaning: Make believe with the intent to deceive Synonyms: feign, sham, pretend, affect Hide under a false appearance Synonyms: cloak, mask Behave unnaturally or affectedly Synonyms: pretend, act Derived forms: …

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Dissembling meaning


Noun: dissembling Pronunciation:  (di’sem-b(u-)ling) Dissembling meaning: Pretending with intention to deceive Synonyms: pretense, pretence, feigning The act of deceiving Synonyms: deception, deceit, dissimulation Verb: dissemble Pronunciation:  (di’sem-bul) Dissembling meaning: Make believe with the intent to …

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Dupery meaning

Dupe meaning

Noun: dupery Pronunciation:  (d(y)oo-pu-ree) Dupery meaning: Something intended to deceive; deliberate trickery intended to gain an advantage Synonyms: on, spoof Derived forms: duperies Quotations: Thomas Jefferson – There exists indeed an opposition to it by …

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Deceive meaning

cozen meaning

Verb: deceive Pronunciation:  (di’seev) Deceive meaning: Be false to; be dishonest with Synonyms: lead on, delude, cozen Cause someone to believe an untruth Synonyms: betray, lead astray Derived forms: deceived, deceives, deceiving Quotations: Guy de …

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Dupe meaning

Dupe meaning

Noun: dupe Pronunciation:(d(y)oop) Dupe meaning: A person who is tricked or swindled Synonyms: victim Verb: dupe Pronunciation:(d(y)oop) Dupe meaning: Fool or hoax Synonyms: gull, slang, befool, cod, fool, put on, take in, put one over, …

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Duplex house meaning

duplex meaning

Noun: duplex house Duplex house meaning: A house with two units sharing a common wall Synonyms: duplex, semidetached house Derived forms: duplex houses Quotations: John V.Terry – Dwelling which is constructed internally so as to provide …

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