Friday , 28 March 2025

Besotted meaning

Adjective: besotted

Pronunciation: (bi’só-tid)

Besotted meaning:

  1. Marked by foolish or unreasoning fondness.

Synonyms: enamoured, infatuated, smitten, beguiled, bewitched

  1. Very drunk

Synonyms: blotto, crocked, cockeyed, fuddled, sizzled, soused, sloshed, slopped, stonkered, stewed, mullered, swacked, blitzed

facts about dating, besotted meaning

Verb: besot

Pronunciation: (bi’sót)

Besot meaning: Make dull or stupid or muddle with drunkenness or infatuation

Synonyms: stupefy

Quotations: Robert Burton – I may not here omit those two main plagues, and common dotages of human kind, wine and women, which have infatuated and besotted myriads of people. They go commonly together.

Scott Buchanan – She was beautiful and witty and charmed everyone anew each time she spoke with us. Just imagine this lot of oft besotted fun hogs sitting at dinner with coat and tie listening intently to the words of this diminutive diplomat of decency and decorum.

Jack London – At the bottom of the abyss they are feeble, besotted, and imbecile.

Joseph Hall – What fools are we, to be besotted with the love of our own trouble, and to hate our liberty and rest!

Cliff Richard – Of course, when I started my career, like anyone else who was 16 at the time, we were besotted by the rock-n-roll scene from America, and all I was interested in was having a career of my own.

Sample sentences:

  1. I had travelling money and got besotted in the bar downstairs.
  2. I have become besotted with a north Indian girl I met few days back.
  3. The few are philosophers besotted with admiration for the sound of their own lecturing voices, visionaries who waste their lives on fantastic impossibilities, or quacks whose ambition soars no higher than our corns.
  4. All those horror stories had besotted his mind with lot of fear and superstition.
  5. That a contemporary America besotted by culture war has trouble categorizing such focus-group-unfriendly people is no revelation.
  6. He’s already got some of them besotted with his poverty rhetoric.
  7. Towards evening they succeeded in bringing the besotted Prince to sign the sentence.
  8. Are the English mad, demented, or besotted, that they suppose we intend to endure such deliberate aid of our enemies?
  9. He was so besotted by the demon that life could henceforth be only a misery to him, and a stumbling-block to her.
  10. Both expressed their opinion that a more independent, a more enlightened, a more public- spirited, a more noble-minded, a more disinterested set of men than those who had promised to vote for him, never existed on earth; each darkly hinted his suspicions that the electors in the opposite interest had certain swinish and besotted infirmities which rendered them unfit for the exercise of the important duties they were called upon to discharge.
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About Sai Prashanth

IT professional. Love to write.