Thursday , 13 February 2025

Infatuation meaning

Infatuation is the state of being carried away by a foolish and extravagant passion, love or admiration. We could also say that infatuation is just an attraction between male and female and it is often temporary or short-lived passion. People say we have an infatuation when we say that we are in extreme love with something and it has caused us to become mad and foolish. If someone has an infatuation with romantic movies, they will probably watch them all day long. Infatuations do not last long though they are strong in the beginning. When it comes to love, human attraction and relationships, the illusions of infatuations inevitably lead to disappointment. Not all cases of infatuation develop into a mature love. We could also say that infatuation is the first stage of growing intimacy. The first relationships of youth are often viewed as puppy love or infatuation. It is a condition especially prevalent in the first and adolescent love. I could conclude saying that infatuation is a state of being carried away without insight, blind desire and proper evaluative judgement.

Noun: infatuation

Pronunciation: (in,fa-choo’ey-shun)

Infatuation meaning or definitions of infatuation:

  • A foolish and usually extravagant passion, love or admiration
  • Temporary love of an adolescent
  • An object of extravagant short lived passion

Synonyms: puppy love, calf love, besotted, beguiled, enamoured, smitten

kiss, infatuation meaning
The romance portrayed in this painting is phenomenal.

Derived forms: infatuations, infatuated

Quotations: Chanakya – There is no disease as destructive as lust, no enemy like infatuation, no fire like wrath and no happiness like spiritual knowledge.

Emile M. Cioran – What we crave, what we want to see in others eyes, is that servile expression, an unconcealed infatuation with our gestures.

George Eliot – Strange, that some of us, with quick alternate vision, sees beyond our infatuations, and even while we rave on the heights, behold the wide plain where our persistent self pauses and awaits us.

Sri Sathya Sai Baba – The love that exists between wife and husband is infatuation. The love that exists among friends and relations is attachment. The love towards material objects is desire. Love in totality, directed towards God is known as devotion.

Robert Phillips – Phillips then made what should be the definitive argument against granting Hinckley more time off campus. While the presidential assailant may appear to be free of the demons that caused him to shoot four people in a therapeutic setting, there is really no proof that he has been cured. His approach, potential infatuation and stalking like behavior are historical problems, his interests with the female staff has been of great concern to the treatment staff. He is not cured. He is in recovery, in remission.

Leonardo DiCaprio – When you develop an infatuation for someone you always find a reason to believe that this is exactly the person for you. It doesn’t need to be a good reason. Taking photographs of the night sky, for example. Now, in the long run, that’s just the kind of dumb, irritating habit that would cause you to split up. But in the haze of infatuation, it’s just what you’ve been searching for all these years.

Kurt Barnard – Americans, for one reason or another, have not given up on their infatuation with SUVs that guzzle gas by the gallons. But there’s only so much money to go around. If people are paying more to drive their cars, they will have less money to spend on other things.

Henry James – Young men of this class never do anything for themselves that they can get other people to do for them, and it is the infatuation, the devotion, the superstition of others that keeps them going. These others in ninety-nine cases out of a hundred are women.

Margaret MacDonald – It was first the awful state of the land that was pressed upon me. I saw the blindness and infatuation of the people to be very great. I felt the cry of liberty just to be the hiss of the serpent, to drown them in perdition. It was just no God.

John Buckingham – Technology is fickle in terms of product lifecycles and investor infatuation and disgust so we invest in companies that have financial wherewithal to stay in business. If gateway didn’t have all that cash on the balance sheet, it probably wouldn’t be with us today.

Usage examples and sample sentences:

  1. There are few people who are not ashamed of their love affairs when the infatuation is over.
  2. It wasn’t an infatuation love like you see in junior high school. They were soul mates.
  3. My creative spirit is nourished by my passion for nature. Working in clay reveals my infatuation with color, texture, form, light shadow and patterns.
  4. Purely sensual love is never true or lasting, for which reason first love is, as a rule, but a passing infatuation, a fleeting passion.
  5. Violence isn’t always evil. What’s evil is the infatuation with violence.
  6. Infatuation with technology is a great strength but it is also a simplistic self deception.
  7. His infatuation with horror movies is legendary.
  8. My infatuation has come to an end as abruptly as it began.
  9. Her infatuation with him is elaborately depicted in the novel written by him.
  10. I don’t want to wake up one day and realize that this was all just infatuation. That will kill me in no time.
  11. A new study indicates that our infatuation with shiny new electronic devices appears to be hitting a plateau.
  12. Our infatuation with gadgets may have subsided many years ago, but our need for quick and easy typing and note taking hasn’t dissipated.
  13. That was only the beginning of an infatuation and it was definitely not love.
  14. According to Freud psychology, infatuation is only an attraction between male and female and is a state of being completely carried away by un-reasoned passion, foolishly extravagant feeling and unappreciated often completely unwarranted emotion.
  15. Of course, we struggle to understand investor infatuation with fixed income when yields on equities still compare very favorably to those on bonds.
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About Sai Prashanth

IT professional. Love to write.