Wednesday , 26 March 2025

Amazing Facts about Bears

Facts about Bears.

1.  This will surprise you! The giant Panda is actually a bear.

2.  The largest land predators on Earth are polar bears, weighting over 1,700 lbs and standing over 11′ high.

3.  In Churchill, Canada, residents leave their cars unlocked to offer an escape way for the people who might encounter polar bears.

4. Bears are one of the few mammals that  can see in color and have good color vision.

5.  In the Canadian Northwest territories, license plates are shaped like polar bears.

6.  All polar bears alive today can trace their ancestry back to one female brown bear 50,000 years ago who lived in Ireland.

7.  Theodore Roosevelt the 26th president of the United States had a pet bear while in office.

8.  Polar bears have black skin under their fur.

zest meaning and facts about bears
The giant panda is actually a bear

9.  Polar bears are present only in the Arctic, not in Antarctica.

10.  The giant short-faced bear is the largest mammalian carnivore that ever lived on land.  It was 6′ 5″  tall at the shoulder when standing on all fours and died 12,000 years ago.

11.  The sloth bear has the shaggiest fur and the sun bear has the shortest fur so that it can keep cool.

12.  To determine the age of a bear the most accurate way is to count the rings in a cross section of its tooth root under a microscope.

13.  Bears have short layer of fur and long layer of fur.  The long layer keeps water away from the skin and the short layer of fur keeps the bear warm.

14.  Bears are very smart, they eat the bait in the bear traps safely and have known to roll rocks into bear traps to set off the trap.

15.  The life span of bears is 30 years, one brown bear lived to the age of 47.

16.  Bears are bowlegged, this gives them balance and better grip.

17.  Except polar bear all other bears are omnivores, polar bear is a true carnivore.

18.  Sun bears have the longest tongues. They also have the longest claws of any bear.

19.  Bears can out run Usain Bolt, who can run 27 mph.  They can run up to 40 miles per hour and can catch a running horse.

20.  Bears that climb have claws that are strong and curved to allow them to claw at tree bark.  Bears that dig, have long and straight claws.

21.  Koala bears are not bears at all, they are marsupials and not at all related to the bear family.

22.  40 beats per minute is the heartbeat of  a normal bear and drops to 8 when hibernating.

23.  Black bears come in a rainbow of colors from black to reddish brown to light brown to white.

24.  The brown bear is the world’s most widely distributed bear, however the most common bear species is American black bear.

25.  To surprise a seal, a swimming polar bear can jump 8 feet out of the water.

26.  A polar bear’s stomach can hold 68 kg of meat which is approximately 150 lbs.

27.  Panda bears have an extra “thumb” just for holding onto bamboo stalks and can eat over 45 lbs of bamboo per day.

28.  The giant panda has a large head, bamboo makes up 99% of its diet.

29.  Termites are the favorite food for sloth bears, these bears have no front teeth and they can easily suck out insects from their nests.

30.  Bears have been known to eat almost anything, including rubber boots, engine oil and snowmobile seats.

31.  Without resting a polar bear can swim up to 100 miles.

32.  98% of the grizzly bear population lives in Alaska in U.S.

Interesting Facts about USA
The grizzly bear, also known as the silvertip bear, the grizzly, or the North American brown bear.

33.  Bears can hear a little better than us and can smell much better, there sense of smell is around 100 times greater than humans.  Under 3 feet of solid ice, they can smell a dead seal.

34.  A female bear is called sow and male bear as boar.  Sloth or sleuth is the name of group of bears.

35.  The word “bear” is derived from Proto-Indo-European “bher” and is an old English word.

36.  Bear is the symbol of the United Russian Party.  In fact bears have traditionally been a symbol of power and pride in Russia.

37. The Great Bear or Ursa Major constellation is the third-largest constellation.

38.  The bear ancestor is an offshoot of the ancient Canidae family of coyotes, dogs, foxes and wolves.

39.  Female polar bears are up to half the size of males.  A male bear can measure up to 10 feet long.

40.  The only bear species that is a marine mammal is polar bear.

41.  The giant panda is an ancient animal and has been described as a living fossil.

42.  Most bears have 42 teeth and their canines can reach 1.5″ long.

43.  The lips of bears look rubbery as they are not attached to their gums.

44.  Very less number of giant pandas live in wild today, which is around 1,000.

45.  Male bears don’t help females to raise the cubs, once bears breed, they go on separate ways.

46.  Like many nocturnal animals giant panda’s can see by day and by night, because its eye is a vertical slit.

47.  The giant panda is the only species of bear that doesn’t move its ear to pick up sound.

48.   Polar bear is the most efficient swimmer of all bears, it can swim up to 6-10 km/hr for 161 km and can swim up to 2oo miles without stopping.

49.  To extract bile from bears gall bladders they are bred and kept in captivity which has medicinal use.

50.  In Asia, to train bears to dance the cubs are often taken from their mothers.

51.  American black bears, some brown bear species, Asiatic black bears and pregnant polar bears  are the bears which hibernate.

52.  During hibernation, bears body can somehow recycle body waste into protein.

53.  The claws on the back feet of bears are shorter than the claws on the front feet.

54.  The paws of polar bears have fur between the toes and fur on the bottoms, while most bears have bare feet and lose most of their hair from their paws.

55.  Like dogs and unlike cats, bears have non-retractable claws.

56.  Only giant pandas and polar bears are the only bears that are born with thin white fur, most of the bears are born without fur.

57.  Polar bears have 9,677 hairs per square inch, which is a thick coat.

58.  Of the eight bear species, four live in the Northern Hemisphere and four in the Southern Hemisphere.

59.  The only wild bears that live in South America are spectacled bears.

60.  The smallest bear is the sun bear and is about the size of large dog.  These bears are also know as honey bears.

Also read: Amazing facts about animals, birds and fishes.

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About Sai Prashanth

IT professional. Love to write.