Thursday , 27 March 2025

Hammock meaning

Noun: hammock

Pronunciation: (ha-muk)

Hammock meaning:

  • A hanging wide strip of canvas or rope mesh (usually it is suspended between two trees and is used as a bed)

Synonym: sack

  • A small hill

Synonyms: knoll, mound, hillock, hummock

Origin : Some Caribbean language

This image helps in getting clear picture of word being dealt.hammock and hammock meaning

Quotations: Devon Werkheiser – I like to sit in my backyard.I go out on the hammock and sit in silence and kind of meditate.Nature is calming,and it’s nice to go out there and clear my head.

Bob Denver – Since I was getting whacked with his hat every time I turned around,  it’s a good thing Alan Hale Jr. and I liked each other so much. He really was a gentle giant and made a big effort never to hurt me in any of the gags we did. Even the hammock gags, where he’d fall on me or vice versa, never injured either of us.

Edgar Pangborn – And how are you going to make education easy? You might as well try to build an athlete by keeping him in a hammock with cream puffs and beer.

Dana Groff – I’ve had people deliberately want to have a meeting in my office. I need to put up a hammock and a lounge chair in here.

Tom Hodgkinson – I’ve never understood activity holidays since we seem to have far too much activity in our daily lives as it is. Find a culture where loafing is the order of the day and where they don’t understand our need to be constantly doing things. Find somewhere you can have a hammock holiday.

Sample sentences:

  1. He jumped out of his hammock and ran towards his camp on seeing a big snake  in the forest woods.
  2. I have purchased a beautiful hammock to relax and swing  in the wind.
  3. The past should be a springboard not a hammock.
  4. Few of us are taking to the hammock.
  5. We’re sleeping in a hammock with tubes of mosquito netting. It’s too hot, too wet and too full of crawly things to sleep on the ground.
  6. We don’t want to turn the safety net into a hammock that lulls able-bodied people into complacency and dependence.
  7. Your best ideas, those eureka moments that turn the world upside down, seldom come when you’re juggling emails, rushing to meet the five P.M. deadline or straining to make your voice heard in a high-stress meeting. They come when you’re walking the dog, soaking in the bath or swinging in a hammock.
  8. My perfect day is constantly changing. Right now, it would be to lie around in a hammock reading with a portable phone and a table of food next to it. I would spend all day there. And that’s all that I can possibly come up with on the spur of the moment.
  9. Reading is a joy for my kids, and to swing in a hammock on a lazy summer day reading a good book just goes with summer.
  10. I don’t care who you are, the pressure is on to go to the next task immediately. What happened to the days of hanging out in the hammock all afternoon?
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About Sai Prashanth

IT professional. Love to write.