Tuesday , 1 April 2025

Clump meaning

Noun: clump

Pronunciation: (klu`mp)

Clump meaning:

  • Small group of plants growing closely together

Synonyms : bunch, cluster

  • A mass or lump of something

Synonyms : chunk, clod, glob

  • A heavy dull sound (as made by impact of heavy objects )

Synonyms : clonk, clunk, thud, thump

Origin : German

clump meaning

clump of trees and clump meaning
Credit : Author- BillPP/ http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ashdown_Forest_-_Friends_Clump.jpg

Quote : Karl Shapiro – Laughter and grief join hands.Always the heart clumps in the breast with heavy stride;The face grows lined and wrinkled like a chart.The eyes bloodshot with tears and tide.Let the wind blow,for many a man shall die.

Joseph Garner – A lot of the time I will go in a room and see that three or four animals right next door to each other are feather pickers, but that doesn’t mean that they’ve learned it from each other. We wondered if unsocial things in the environment might be responsible for this apparent clumping of behavior.

Guido de Marchi – The laws of nature are simply such that in a molecular cloud there are just a few big clumps and quite many more smaller clumps.

George Orwell – He is a man of thirty-five, but looks fifty. He is bald, has varicose veins and wears spectacles, or would wear them if his only pair were not chronically lost. If things are normal with him, he will be suffering from malnutrition, but if he has recently had a lucky streak, he will be suffering from a hangover. At present it is half past eleven in the morning, and according to his schedule he should have started work two hours ago; but even if he had made any serious effort to start he would have been frustrated by the almost continuous ringing of the telephone bell, the yells of the baby, the rattle of an electric drill out in the street, and the heavy boots of his creditors clumping up the stairs. The most recent interruption was the arrival of the second post, which brought him two circulars and an income tax demand printed in red. Needless to say this person is a writer.

Tom Donahoe – Some have durability issues. Others haven’t produced for more than one season. They’re kind of all clumped together and no one has really separated himself.

Charles Dickens – The earth covered with a sable pall as for the burial of yesterday; the clumps of dark trees, its giant plumes of funeral feathers, waving sadly to and fro: all hushed, all noiseless, and in deep repose, save the swift clouds that skim across the moon, and the cautious wind, as, creeping after them upon the ground, it stops to listen, and goes rustling on, and stops again, and follows, like a savage on the trail.

Sample sentences :

  1. There is a clump of plants at the edge of the field.
  2. We all clump(get together or come together) in this village every winter.
  3. A clump of mud caught her on the shoulder.
  4. I think we’re right there with a clump of teams that are on the verge.
  5. Those clumps also take up space in the waste trap, which fills up quickly.
  6. What he did to me was brutal. My hair fell out for weeks afterward, big clumps of it.
  7. We also scouted around various neighborhoods in the area, looked under numerous bridges and culverts, and walked fields that held soybeans last year. No green kudzu or volunteer soybeans were found. The positive clumps of rust were on old kudzu tissue.
  8. The confetti that thirty minutes earlier had exploded from the ceiling in a silvery rain now lay in clumps on the bleachers. Caroline Kennedy had left with her two daughters. Thurman had come and gone. Robert Duffy, the business partner of Marc Jacobs, stood on the littered runway. He remarked that there were things in Mr. Jacobs’s show on Monday night that he had first seen him attempt at the start of his career.
  9. The air right near the ground was warm, so the snowflakes started to melt, then stuck together, forming large clumps.
  10. Our findings suggest that unseen dark matter which emits no light but has mass  has had a major effect on the formation and evolution of galaxies, and that bright active galaxies are only born within dark matter clumps of a certain size in the young universe.
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About Sai Prashanth

IT professional. Love to write.