Thursday , 13 February 2025

Clonk meaning

Noun: clonk

Pronunciation: (klongk)

Clonk meaning: A heavy dull sound as made by impact of heavy objects.

Synonyms: thump, clump, clunk, thud

thud meaning and clonk meaning

Verb: clonk

Clonk meaning: Make the sound of hitting something

Quotations: Gregory Maguire – I don’t imagine she suffered much, not with that kind of clonk on the noggin.

Sample sentences:

  1. That was like an apocalyptic clonk.
  2. All the horses over there clonked and snorted softly.
  3. I will definitely clonk you on the head.
  4. The last few months, have been like a big clonk on the head to most Indians
  5. That was like clonk to me. Although it was a beautiful concept, I do not know how to handle that.
  6. Clonk! Clonk! And the lights go out. I found myself helping to strip some copper wire to fix the positive contact on the battery.
  7. It will not roll off your beside table and clonk you on the head.
  8. He ran at top speed into his dad’s exercise room, grabbed a weight and with an amazing clonk he whacked the shadow hard over his head.
  9. The alignment of the car can get knocked out if it clonks when you get over a bump.
  10. The gearbox is smooth, but still gives out that satisfying clonk that cruiser enthusiasts cherish when you stick it in first.
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About Sai Prashanth

IT professional. Love to write.