Friday , 14 March 2025

Unnerve meaning

Verb: unnerve

Pronunciation: (un’nurv)

Unnerve meaning: Disturb the composure of. To make someone feel afraid or upset and unable to think clearly.

Synonyms: demoralize, enervate, faze, rattle, emasculate

faze meaning or unnerve meaning

Quotations: Ken Hitchcock – I don’t think he raises his game. He’s one of those unique players who can beat you with skill but also with tenacity. It’s wearing to go against a player like that. It’s unnerving. You think you’ve got him, but he out-competes you.

William James – Do every day or two something for no other reason than you would rather not do it, so that when the hour of dire need draws nigh, it may find you not unnerved and untrained to stand the test.

Ruth Gordon – The kiss. There are all sorts of kisses, lad, from the sticky confection to the kiss of death. Of them all, the kiss of an actress is the most unnerving. How can we tell if she means it or if she’s just practicing?

Matt Clement – It’s fun to watch guys score a lot of runs. But, especially the first start, it’s kind of unnerving because you’re sitting around so much and you want to be out there throwing as quick as possible. Once again, I will never complain about getting too many runs.

Barry Berman – It is a disappointment right now. Nobody expected them to change the rate but they were hoping that they would maybe go to a neutral stance. Keeping rates where they did and still warning about inflation, really not backing down, has unnerved the markets a little bit.

Sample sentences:

  1. It’s always unsettling and unnerving and certainly can turn into a very dangerous situation.
  2. That’s a little unnerving to me, more so than the charge or earnings warning. He was one of the members of Campbell that was highly regarded.
  3. We had plenty of time to just work our offense. It was a bit unnerving with them coming back and tying the game, but we were in a rhythm from three.
  4. It was unnerving to watch those guys go out there and make birdie after birdie, but I knew I had those holes, too, and if I was patient and didn’t make mistakes, I could win.
  5. Injuries occur and they are always unnerving and you always have to adapt. Sometimes, you have more notice than the end of the week.
  6. The atmosphere at the counties can be unnerving and players can get easily rattled. Our nerves caused us not to play well in the finals. We definitely weren’t comfortable.
  7. It’s very unnerving, and unfortunately the numbers have gotten larger and the lines longer. It’s frustrating, in seeing the help not come from the state.
  8. There is no street light out here, so I couldn’t see the vehicle to get a description. It was just a bit unnerving. It upset my wife and it’s a bit ironic that we moved here several years ago from Birmingham to get away from this type of thing, only to have it happen here.
  9. I was unnerved a little bit about the last couple of times we played against each other. I felt I was much more controlled in this match. I was more focused and aggressive. I’m not happy about the first set, but I’m happy I finished the match this way.
  10. I’ve been through this sort of stuff before so it doesn’t worry me. But it was a little bit unnerving. By the time we came through the clouds, there wasn’t much distance to the ground. Everyone would be comfortable with safety-first.
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About Sai Prashanth

IT professional. Love to write.