Friday , 28 March 2025

Enamoured meaning

Adjective: enamoured

Usage in United States: enamored

Pronunciation: (i’na-mu(r)d)

Enamoured meaning or enamored meaning: Marked by foolish or unreasoning fondness. To inflame with love or to feel a strong or excessive interest or fascination.

Synonyms: infatuated, smitten

facts about dating, enamoured meaning,enamored meaning

Verb: enamour

Usage in United States: enamor

Pronunciation: (i’na-mu(r))

Enamour meaning or enamor meaning: Have a liking or admiration for. Cause to be enamoured.

Synonyms: be-charm, beguile, bewitch, enchant, captivate, besotted

Quotations: Bob Chapek – Bambi and the Great Prince of the Forest continues the legacy that Walt began many decades ago and we are thrilled that consumers across the country have become enamored by Bambi and the Great Prince of the Forest in such a wonderful way. Our research indicated that consumers were very excited about this film. But, no amount of research could have ever predicted this type of overwhelming response. As a result, we are working diligently to keep retail stores in stock given the huge consumer demand.

Reese Witherspoon – I just think they have a unique love story, in that they were working side by side for 12 years and completely enamored of each other and couldn’t be together. It was a really good story.

Matt Hasselbeck –  It’s almost unfair. Some people sleep on the flights, but I tend not to sleep because I am so enamored by all of the stuff on the plane. The bathroom that is right in front of my seat is nicer than the bathroom in my first house that I owned.

Glenn Britt – We have a wonderful physical plant in place. The key is to focus on the consumer and what they want and not get enamored with the technology. If we focus on the consumer, we should see all the technologies as opportunities.

Stephanie Shain – We applaud films that present the bond between dogs and their people. The downside is that people become so enamored by the character portrayed on screen that they want that dog in their home. They assume the breed is great without examining if it is the right match for their lifestyles.

Sample sentences:

  1. I give the name violence to a boldness lying idle and enamored of danger.
  2. Americans are so enamored of equality that they would rather be equal in slavery than unequal in freedom.
  3. I’m not enamored with it. It has some issues. I am enamored of my journal. Consumers this year just never got enamored with what they saw.
  4. A lot of these companies are sick. People are still enamored with the market leaders of two and three years ago.
  5. We dealt with so many environmental issues. I was enamored by the whole concept of environmental issues.
  6. Now with everything that’s happened I feel bad that I didn’t. But I didn’t at that time. I was enamored with him and I was excited and I was enjoying it.
  7. We have a number of customers who are enamored of our convention center. They love Pittsburgh, and they want to come here, but they won’t until there is a larger concentration of hotel rooms adjacent to the convention center.
  8. You definitely go through a stage, most coaches’ do, where you see a good player and you get enamored, you really like what the player does, but then when you put him into your system, it’s not quite the same player that he was in another system. He has some strength, but you can’t utilize all those strengths. If you try to utilize all his strengths, you end up weakening a lot of other players who are already in your system.
  9. It is perhaps a new turn for our game, but I’ve never been enamored with it. In terms of the game, you just get two points for it. I’m not discounting the dunk. It’s just that there are so many other fantastic things that can happen on a basketball court.
  10. She was an incredible human being, a strong, independent woman, and she did a lot of charity work. It’s easy to become enamored with who she was and what she did.
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About Sai Prashanth

IT professional. Love to write.