Before going into details of amazing facts about kiss, have a look at Evolution of Kiss which discusses the possible earliest theory related to first records of kissing. Well kiss is something that could not be described in words.Kiss is the balsam extracted from aromatic trees; amber warmed by the hand of a girl and also the balm of love, seal of love and more.
Kiss plays very important role in relationships and it is not a means to burn calories.It has the power to make or break relationships.It would also allow you to assess your partner.Kissing also helps people to live longer.So guys,Kiss more and live more.I have to quote these things as these are also facts,Isn’t it??

Now lets have a look at amazing facts about kiss.
- 66 percent of people keep their eyes closed while kissing.I think it’s the passion and love for the partner that is making them close their eyes.I don’t know what’s the case with the people who don’t close their eyes.(Write your opinion in the comments section)
- Sensitivity of the lips is 100 times higher than that of the fingers.May be this might be the reason behind it being so arousing and stimulating desire between the partners.
- A sweet and romantic kiss would help you burn about 2-3 calories and if you continue kissing longer it would help you burning more than 5 calories.This doesn’t mean that you can slim down by kissing.
- I don’t know whether those beauty creams would help you preventing the development of wrinkles or not.But kissing would for sure help you in preventing wrinkles as it puts in 29 facial muscles in motion.People who kiss daily would live for 5 more years than the normal life time.
- A passionate kiss for 90 seconds which you see in the climax scenes of movies would reduce life time by one minute as it elevates the blood pressure and also increase the level of hormones.
- According to anthropologists 90 percent of people kiss and we all know why.If someone reading this does not know why,stop reading articles and kiss someone.
- This article would be meaningless if I do not talk about French kiss.It is the kiss which is called the merging of souls, it involves all 34 muscles in the face and term “French kiss” came into the English language around 1923.
Write in the comments section if you know any more facts about kiss or your own experiences.
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