Wednesday , 26 March 2025

50 Amazing Facts about Coffee

Amazing Facts about Coffee.

1. Do you know that 2.25 billion cups of coffee is consumed daily across the world.

2. You will be wondered to know that after petroleum, coffee is the world’s second most valuable traded commodity.

3. If you want to have your coffee’s action most effective, consume it between 9:30 am and 11:30 am.

4. If you love to hang out with cats, there is a cat cafe in Korea and Japan where you can drink coffee and hangout with cats for hours.

5. What do you think the first webcam was built for? You will be laughing after knowing this. To check the status of a coffee pot the first webcam was made in Cambridge.

6. Most of us think that coffee beans are beans but they aren’t, coffee beans are fruit pits.

7. While drinking coffee you must thank George Washington(not the U.S. president) , he was the man who has  invented instant coffee around 1910.

8. A cup of caffeinated coffee will significantly improve blood flow.

9. You will be shocked to know this. In France there’s a coffee shop, where not saying “please” and “hello” makes your coffee expensive.

10. You will be amazed to know that over 93 million gallons of milk per year is used by Starbuck coffee shops, which would be enough to fill 155 Olympic-sized swimming pools.

11. Do you know that the smell of coffee is the second most recognizable odor in America, first comes the smell of burning wood.

12. Coffee is good for your health, it contains antioxidants which helps to prevent free radicals from damaging cells.  Studies show that a typical serving of coffee contains more antioxidants than a serving of blueberries, raspberries, grape juice or oranges.

13. Physicians advise that pregnant women shouldn’t drink more than 200 milligrams amount of coffee per day, as the organs and systems in a fetus are not able to metabolize and excrete caffeine and it can stay in blood.  It can stay in fetus blood 10 times longer than in an adult, so its better woman not to have coffee while they are pregnant.

14. Coffee helps men as  it decreases their risk of developing prostate cancer.  Studies show that men who have six or more cups of coffee  daily ,reduce their risk by 20% for developing prostate cancer.

15. Do you know that National Coffee Day is celebrated in many countries on different dates, in United states it’s celebrated on September 29, in Costa Rica it’s September 12, in Japan it’s October 1 and in Ireland it’s September 19.

16. It is interesting to know that amount of caffeine in coffee depends on how they were roasted, how the coffee was brewed, and the type of beans. Typically, a small 8-ounce cup of coffee has 115 milligrams of caffeine if it’s drip brewed and 65 milligrams if it’s instant.

17. Indonesia’s Kopi Luwak or civet coffee is the world’s most expensive coffee in the world, which costs $5o a cup.

facts about coffee

18. American soldiers were known as G.I. Joes, during World War 2. As they drank large amounts of coffee, the drink soon earned the name “a cup of Joe.”

19. The two other largest drinkers of coffee besides Americans are the French and the Germans, these three countries drink approximately 65% of the total coffee consumed in the world.

20. Americans consume 450 million cups of coffee per day, making them the world’s leading coffee consumer.

21. According to an estimate in U.S. four out of five start their day with a coffee.

22. Studies show that drinking coffee reduces the risk of Parkinson’s disease, heart disease, Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes mellitus type cirrhosis of the liver, and gout.

23. Do you know that to brew cups of coffee daily, one third of the tap water used for drinking in North America is used.

24. The word coffee is from the Arabic qahwah.

25. Brazil is the world’s leading producer of coffee, with more than four billion coffee trees. It produces around 33% of the world’s coffee today.

26. Until King George the III’s Stamp Act of 1767 in America, Tea was more popular than coffee, which resulted in the Boston Tea Party. After that coffee became America’s national drink and was emotionally linked with its revolution.

27. Do you know that around the world the coffee industry employs 25 million people.

28. In three different cultures coffee was banned which are Mecca, Europe and Germany.

29. “Schools for the wise”, this is what Turks calls their coffee houses.

30. Caffeine in coffee is dependent on the amount of time coffee is roasted, if coffee is roasted for a longer time more caffeine is cooked from the bean. Dark roast coffee has less caffeine than light roast coffee.

31. To mature it takes 3 to 4 years for a coffee tree and once it matures, it will bear one to two pounds of beans per growing season.

32. A coffee tree produces very less coffee beans. It provides beans enough to fill a half-kilo bag of ground coffee.

33.  This one is interesting.. Dutch coffee merchants presented the King of France, Louis XIV, in 1715, with a coffee tree. Thanks to Chevalier Gabriel Mathieu de Clieu, who stole some cuttings from the tree and began cultivating in the Caribbean and millions of trees sprung from that tree in this way within 50 years. There are over 20 million trees on Caribbean islands within 50 years.

34. Coffe arabica and coffea robusta are the two main species of coffee which are used for commercial production of coffee. Robusta beans contain 40-50% more caffeine, and used in instant coffees, while Arabica trees are the most widely cultivated ones and  produce the best quality coffee.

35. Researches have shown that drinking coffee may decrease neuro-degenerative disorders and cognitive decline.

36. Studies show that women who drink three cups of caffeinated coffee a day were 15% less likely to develop depression than those drank one cup or less per week over a period of 10 years.

37. Women were prohibited from entering the first coffee when it was opened in England in 1652.

38. In the 1600’s, Coffee was imported from Arabia to Europe through Venice.

39. Puerto Rico and Hawaii are the only places in which coffee is grown in North America.

40. Do you know that Arabs were the first to cultivate coffee trees. They typically roasted and boiled coffee, which is Arabic for “the wine of Islam.”

41. Legend says that, Khaldi, an Ethiopian goat herder noticed that his normally lethargic goats were more excitable after they had nibbled the red berries from an evergreen tree. He took them to a Muslim holy man, who turned the raw fruit into the delicious beverage. In this way coffee was discovered.

42. Coffee was taken only at the advice of a doctor and originally regarded as a wonder drug in Arabia and Yemen.

43. You will be surprised to know that it used to be a custom in Turkey that if a husband didn’t provide his wife coffee, it was a ground for divorce.

44. Coffee would be lethal if you take around 100 cups of coffee as it would take that much coffee for a lethal dose of caffeine.

45. Do you know that water and coffee in order are the two most popular beverages on Earth.

46. Most of us don’t know that coffee was originally a food and not a drink.

47. This one is important for you to know, Filtered coffee contains 0.6% fat, while Brewed espresso has 2.5% fat.

48. Do you know that there was a controversy in the 1600s whether or not Catholics could drink coffee, luckily Pope Clement VIII rescued them, as he said it was okay.

49. Most of us don’t know that coffee berries are picked, dried and stripped down until all that’s left is a green bean and once shipped, they are roasted at around 500 f where they will pop and double in size.

50.Coffee is the second most popular beverage on earth.

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About Sai Prashanth

IT professional. Love to write.