Wednesday , 26 March 2025

Zestfulness meaning

Noun: zestfulness


Zestfulness meaning:

  • Vigorous and enthusiastic enjoyment

Synonyms: gusto, relish, zest

meaning of zestfulness


  1. Louisa Morgan – She next called her favourite; with eager zest he burst open the half-latched door, and ran round and round the chamber sniffing in every direction.
  2. Stanley John – During the rest of the day he went about his usual employments, but probably with little zest.

Sample sentences:

  1. Kit chose the stories she herself enjoyed most, and her reading had a zest and liveliness that enthralled the children.
  2. Colonel Cathcart brightened instantly at the thought and began rubbing his hands with avaricious zest.
  3. To deprive her of these fights was to deprive her of all the zest and reasonableness of life.
  4. Incredible that anything could happen to take away this bubbling energy, the zest that fills everything I do.
  5. Pheoby eager to feel and do through Janie, but hating to show her zest for fear it might be thought mere curiosity.
  6. But he saw the humorous side of the assault, and enjoyed it with a keener zest than any of his assailants.
  7. Boarding suspicious vessels in the open road-stead hardened his nerves and gave an unwonted zest to his work.
  8. So strong was her affection and zest for life, she did not eliminate the frail, sickly Elihue from it.
  9. I had been taught early and late that danger gives zest to enjoyment.
  10. The door is opened, and one by one they steal out, but apparently with little zest for the work before them.
  11. Whoever comes, therefore, bringing with him salt and seasoning, and whatever else gives a keener zest to life, never comes amiss.
  12. He jerked back the barrel of the air-pistol and inserted another pellet, the zest of the fight gripping him with the utmost intensity.
  13. They hammered out the pros and cons of materialistic philosophy with infinite zest.
  14. I might go further, and say no more zest for the service.
  15. The reformation was undertaken with the utmost zest.
  16. As they worked they sang, droning a war-song which seemed to give zest to their labors.
  17. The fire was extraordinarily rapid in its work, and the frame buildings seemed to add zest to its voracious appetite.
  18. We read recently, and with infinite zest, that the artillery by which Making is defended includes a battery of field guns and four heavy pieces.
  19. The love affair with Beatrice, whose story Boccaccio relates with so much zest, is the one sharply-defined feature of Dante’s youth and early manhood.
  20. They sought the wine-cup not for animal indulgence, but as a zest to good-fellowship and to give a freer flow to social joys.
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About Sai Prashanth

IT professional. Love to write.