Wednesday , 26 March 2025

Zenith meaning

Noun: zenith

Pronunciation: (ze-nith)

Zenith meaning:

  • That point in the visible celestial hemisphere which is vertical to the spectator or observer; the point of the heavens directly overhead;
  • American power worldwide is at its historic zenith.
  • Milton quoted the following lines many years ago.-“From morn To noon he fell, from noon to dewy eve, A summer’s day; and with the setting sun Dropped from the zenith, like a falling star.”
  • Reservations and cloth napkins are really minor pinnacles in the high sierra of the New York lunch. The zenith, the Mount Whitney of lunches, the noon meal at which all local lines of force converge is the bar room of the four seasons.
  • We’ve had some of the biggest names in entertainment. Some have been at the zenith of their careers, and some have been on the way up.
  • We’ve been at the zenith of the agricultural cycle, and we’re not going to stay there.
  • The genre is in the zenith of its explosion. It is now awakening interest in the rest of the world.
  • We have many players on our roster who could still play for the under 21 team. Many players are still learning, many are a long way from reaching their zenith.
  • The first half of the twentieth century was Boston’s freak zenith. The city was home to 140 candy companies by 1950, with sales of $200 million per year. The beginning of the end for Boston came with the rise of the national candy conglomerates.
  • I am at the zenith of my career as a software professional. I am happy to be a part of this organization.
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    About Sai Prashanth

    IT professional. Love to write.