Friday , 14 March 2025

Xerostomia meaning

Noun: xerostomia

Xerostomia meaning: Abnormal dryness of the mouth resulting from decreased secretion of saliva

Synonyms: dry mouth, xerotes, dryness

xerostomia meaning and xerostomia. Dry mouth due to lack of saliva.
Xerostomia is a medical term used for dry mouth due to lack of saliva – there is not enough saliva to keep the mouth wet; there is reduced or absent saliva flow. It is also informally known as pasties, cottonmouth, drooth, doughmouth or des (from desert).

Sample sentences:

  1. Experts say xerostomia is usually caused by the inadequate function of the salivary glands.
  2. Xerostomia is a common problem.The individual’s mouth is dry most of the time.
  3. Xerostomia will make your breath go from bad to worse. You need to take proper care.
  4. It is important to know that xerostomia is not a big disease at all.
  5. Xerostomia and dry eyes are normally seen in old people.
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About Sai Prashanth

IT professional. Love to write.