Noun: xenophobe
Pronunciation:(ze-nu-fowb or zee-nu-fowb)
Xenophobe meaning:
- Someone who fears or hates foreigners
Derived forms: xenophobes

- Mark Steyn – Faced with public discontent about the statistic agenda, the Condescend look out the window at the unlovely mob in their “Don’t treat on me” T-shirts and sneer, “The peasants are revolting.” You oppose illegal immigration? You’re a xenophobe. Gay marriage? Homophobic. If that’s the choice, I’d rather be damned as a racist and sexist.
- Malcolm Nance – Let them call you racist! Let them call you xenophobes! Wear it as a badge of honor.
- Michael Schuman – Confucius has been more a symbol than an actual man, for both his supporters and his enemies. He has been an icon of China’s cultural heritage, a totem of imperial government, the archetypal human being, the face of oppression, the voice of transformation, the patron of learning, a tool for public relations, a spiritual guide, and the emblem of everything grand and everything bad about China. He has been both a reactionary and a revolutionary, a dictator and a democrat, a feudal lord and a capitalist, a brilliant scholar and a simple fraud, a xenophobe and a globalist, a pillar of authority and a dangerous dissident,
- Barry Lopez – If Theory of Mind psychology is correct in saying that minds operating at the higher levels of intentionality have the greatest capacity to be discerning and empathetic, and if it is wise to take seriously the idea that global climate disturbance, ocean acidification, and other planetary environmental problems cannot be successfully addressed without the highest level of international cooperation, what are we to do in our time about ultra nationalists and xenophobes in positions of power and authority? Or more important, if the best minds are not at the table because of prejudices about race, ethnicity, gender, formal education, urbanity, and material wealth.
- Karla Cornejo Villavicencio – I’d honestly rather swallow a razor blade than be expected to change the mind of a xenophobe.
- Jonathan Franzen – Outside, the middle class was disappearing faster than the icecaps, xenophobes were winning elections or stocking up on assault rifles, warring tribes were butchering each other religiously, but inside, disruptive new technologies were rendering traditional politics obsolete.
- Patrick J. Buchanan – Americans who look on this cultural revolution as politics-as-usual do not understand it. It means to make an end of the country we love. It cannot be appeased. Its relentless, reckless use of terms like extremist, sexist, racist, homophobic, xenophobe, fascist, and Nazi testifies to how seriously it takes the struggle and how it views those who resist. To true believers in the revolution, the Right is not just wrong;
- Tom Shippey – It is a mistake just to blame everything on evil forces ‘out there’, the habit of xenophobes and popular journalists; just as much a mistake to luxuriate in self-analysis, the great skill of Tolkien’s contemporaries, the cosseted upper-class writers of the ‘modernist’ movement.
Sample sentences:
- I roll my eyes, since every Muslim understands the hypocrisy of right-wing xenophobes. They’re all terrified of a word they don’t understand, scared that religious law is going to infiltrate the land, but meanwhile they support the death penalty, are anti-choice, and think creationism should be taught in schools.
- The immigration divide is also an urban–rural divide.4 In country after country, rural voters elect xenophobes. The majority of people who voted for Brexit lived in the British countryside; multicultural London was the Tower of Babel for them. The areas that have the fewest immigrants are the ones most afraid of them.
- As president, he brought into the White House a host of people with fringe ideas, some of them Islamophobic, some white nationalists, some xenophobes, and many of them sharing Trump’s ignorance of science. As we shall explore ahead, many of them had no qualifications whatsoever for the posts he appointed them to;
- One of my siblings was, named Sarah she was, shaken to death. Sarah was hurled into one of the industrial 50 pounds 1950’s Milnor washing machines, with full soap and hot wash cycles and that is what killed her, not by one of us kids as they would say, by our Mother, and Gramma and Grandpa giggled, like xenophobe demented children when the wash was over. I can still hear the scramming for help, yet no one did this was her punishment for being a bad girl, and if you would help, like you would face the same fate. This was the true shaking to death, that was not reported, I was there and saw this happen, I would know it was true, yet who would believe me. I can still see all the washers lined up in a line in the basement of the orphanage, next to the washrooms for all girls, to mass shower 100 at a time, all running around bare for a bath as water jets splashed upon the young naked pubescent bodies that were acting out in the only freedom to play.
- I glanced up at my bookshelves, the proud record of more than twenty years of reading, and found a host of English and North American greats starting down at me I had barely touched a work by a foreign language author in years. The awful truth dawned. I was a literary xenophobe.
- anybody who tried to sound the alarm was branded a far-right, racist xenophobe.
- They are not attaining it today and we do not see how they will reach it tomorrow. In other words, the settlement of masses of immigrants in the next twenty years is going to provoke an economic and social collapse of Europe, which will become a ‘Third World’ country. Things are changing. It is not only the ‘dreadful’ proponents of ethnic identity or ‘xenophobes’ who are saying these things.