Work shoe meaning

Noun: work shoe

Pronunciation:(wurk shoo)

Work shoe meaning:

  • A thick and heavy shoe

Synonyms: brogan, brogue, clodhopper
Derived forms: work shoes

  1. Kathryn Stockett – Once upon a time they was two girls,” I say. “one girl had black skin, one girl had white.”Mae Mobley look up at me. She listening.”Little colored girl say to little white girl, ‘How come your skin be so pale?’ White girl say, ‘I don’t know. How come your skin be so black? What you think that mean?'”But neither one a them little girls knew. So little white girl say, ‘Well, let’s see. You got hair, I got hair.'”I gives Mae Mobley a little tousle on her head.”Little colored girl say ‘I got a nose, you got a nose.'”I gives her little snout a tweak. She got to reach up and do the same to me.”Little white girl say, ‘I got toes, you got toes.’ And I do the little thing with her toes, but she can’t get to mine cause I got my white work shoes on.”‘So we’s the same. Just a different color’, say that little colored girl. The little white girl she agreed and they was friends. The End.”Baby Girl just look at me. Law, that was a sorry story if I ever heard one. Wasn’t even no plot to it. But Mae Mobley, she smile and say, “Tell it again.

Sample sentences:

  1. I come home that morning, after I been fired, and stood outside my house with my new work shoes on. The shoes my mama paid a month’s worth a light bill for. I guess that’s when I understood what shame was and the color of it too. Shame ain’t black, like dirt, like I always thought it was. Shame be the color of a new white uniform your mother ironed all night to pay for, white without a smudge or a speck a work-dirt on it.
  2. And my work shoes is so thin, they look like they starving to death.
  3. As soon as he was inside the kitchen, Bud took off his work shoes and put on the pair he wore to school.
  4. He removed the racing plates you put on Panchito and substituted heavy work shoes, but—Panchito will go to the post with racing plates.
  5. An issue of work clothing included a heavy pair of work shoes called brogans, homespun shirts and a pair of jeans pants.
  6. And I do the little thing with her toes, but she can’t get to mine cause I got my white work shoes on.
  7. There was a pair of work shoes for each, and that pair would have to last until the fall of next year.
  8. His acid-stained work shoes had been replaced by his good tan ones.
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About Sai Prashanth

IT professional. Love to write.