Wednesday , 26 March 2025

Window sash meaning

Noun: window sash

Pronunciation:(win-dow sash)

Window sash meaning:

  • A framework that holds the panes of a window in the window frame

Synonyms: sash
Derived forms: window sashes

  1. Norman Lock – He knocked absurdly on the skull like a man impatient for a door to open. His eyes glazed over. He appeared to be in the grasp of something beyond the reach of ordinary mortals.’Time is slowing,’ he said in a leaden voice. ‘Each moment grows and fattens like a drop of rain on a window sash, waiting to fall.
  2. Annie Johnston – He started guiltily, jerking in his head in such haste that he struck it with a bang against the window sash.

Sample sentences:

  1. In the quiet the wind pushed against the window sashes; steam hissed and boiled through the radiators.
  2. He put up the window sash and leaned out.
  3. He lifted the window sash, pulled in one shutter, and with a gesture of presentation.
  4. A window sash on three sides for light, a board being placed beneath them, on which to keep copies and slates.
  5. The wind was surely rising, and its moan shook the window sash.
  6. Once he brought a request that we send a man to repair a broken window sash.
  7. Fortunately the ball struck the window sash, deflected and glanced down, striking the hip-bone instead of the heart.
  8. The window sash was up and the blinds wide open.
  9. The roof leaked, and most of the spaces in the window sashes were filled with rags and paper instead of glass.
  10. The city also manufactures cigars, cigarettes, snuff, a fertilizer having tobacco dust as the base, cotton goods, lumber, window sashes, blinds, drugs and hosiery.
  11. The younger girl raised one of the small-paned window sashes, unbolted the shutter, and pushed both leaves open.
  12. He put one end of it under the upper edge of the lower window sash and then he and Jan pushed with all their might.
  13. The square framed by the window sash was turning grey when there came a movement, and the eyelids of the face on the pillow lifted.
  14. So Jack, always quick to act, with one smashing blow sent the entire window sash flying into the room.
  15. Back from the shore was a tiny cottage, painted red, its window sash and door striped with yellow.
  16. Thus the four edges of the window sash must be pasted up, and a strip must close the crack between the two sashes.
  17. And across the living room the window sash went up with a thump.
  18. By the next morning the tiny house was buried to the window sashes.
  19. In the reconstruction, new window sashes and a new door were installed, but the existing jambs were used wherever possible.
  20. Sugar pine has now become so valuable that it is used only for such purposes as window sash, doors, and similar articles.
  21. All the window sashes in Leslie Manor had been rehung in the most approved modern methods and could be raised and lowered without a sound.
  22. It was an enclosed tonneau, the window sashes fitted tightly and two big robes promised a little comfort.
  23. It was covered with double layers of window sash.
  24. Beside this, the window sashes were all removed, and the cold wind whistled in from the river far more sharply than was consistent with comfort.
  25. There was something dejected in his attitude, and he sighed heavily as he turned and leaned his forehead against the window sash.
  26. A projectile broke against the window sash and showered snow fragments upon the untidy hair.
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About Sai Prashanth

IT professional. Love to write.