Wednesday , 26 March 2025

Wilt disease meaning

Noun: wilt disease

Pronunciation:(wilt di’zeez)

Wilt disease meaning:

  • Any plant disease characterized by drooping and shriveling; usually caused by parasites attacking the roots

Synonyms: wilt
Derived forms: wilt diseases

  1. Northern Nut Growers Association – Future Outlook Among the many things that we need to know yet about the oak wilt disease and its causal fungus one is outstanding.

Sample sentences:

  1. Redbay ambrosia beetles can bring the laurel wilt disease to avocado trees, ravaging the trees and crop.
  2. In Georgia, for example, laurel wilt disease is wiping out redbay trees, which are important to wildlife, especially certain butterflies that need them to survive.
  3. I don’t know, because just as the buds were about to deliver, the stems melted in the classic expression of the clematis wilt disease.
  4. The sudden collapse of clematis stems is caused by a wilt disease that affects susceptible large-flowering varieties.
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About Sai Prashanth

IT professional. Love to write.