Friday , 14 March 2025

Wilful neglect meaning

Noun: wilful neglect

Pronunciation: (wil-ful ni’glekt)

Wilful neglect meaning:

  • A tendency to be negligent and uncaring

Synonyms: delinquency, dereliction, willful neglect

  1. Richard Baxter – What if you had seen haven open as Stephen did, and all the saints there triumphing in glory, and enjoying the end of their labors and sufferings, what a life would you lead after such a sight as this! Why, you will see this with your eyes before it be long.Thou hast the more cause to doubt a great deal, because thou never didst doubt and yet more because thou hast been so careless in thy confidence. What do these expressions discover, but a wilful neglect of thy own salvation? As a ship master that should let his vessel alone, and mind other matters, and say, I will venture it among the rocks, and sands, and gulfs, and waves, and winds; I will never trouble myself to know whether it shall come safe to the harbor; I will trust God with it; it will speed as well as other men’s vessels do. Indeed, as well as other men’s that are as careless and idle, but not so well as other mens’s that are diligent and watchful. What horrible abuse of God is this, for men to pretend that they trust God with their souls only to cloak their own wilful negligence!

Sample sentences:

  1. Nurses Natalie Jones, left, and Lauro Bertulano, right, pleaded guilty to the wilful neglect of patients, including Lillian Williams, inset, as well as falsifying patients records at Cardiff Crown Court.
  2. Stephen Pelkowski, 51, and seven other workers at Highdell Nursing Home in Idle, Bradford, are on trial accused of the ‘systemic’ wilful neglect of a 79-year-old dementia sufferer.
  3. Two nurses arrested in an investigation into allegations of wilful neglect at the Princess of Wales Hospital in Bridgend have now been charged, say South Wales Police.
  4. The teenager, from Bow, east London, will appear at Thames Magistrates’ Court (pictured) charged with the wilful neglect of the baby girl and her two siblings.
  5. Wilful neglect could be made a criminal offence under NHS changes and could be punishable by jail sentences of up to five years.
  6. Doctors and nurses found guilty of “wilful neglect” of patients could face jail terms, the government is proposing.
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About Sai Prashanth

IT professional. Love to write.