Tuesday , 21 January 2025

Waggle meaning

Verb: waggle

Pronunciation: (wa-gul)

Waggle meaning:

  • Move from side to side. Synonym: wag
  • Move unsteadily or with a weaving or rolling motion. Synonym: wamble
dog's wagging tail - wag meaning
dog’s wagging tail

Noun: waggle

Waggle meaning: Causing to move repeatedly from side to side.

Synonyms: shake, wag

Quotations: Mike Weir – Just trying to get a feel for the shot instead of the longer waggle, which was just not setting me up for the shot I wanted to hit. A little smaller waggle I feel in my hands a little better and sense the shot better.

Mark Hackett – We’ve got some options on offense. We’ll run more option, bootleg and waggle, and we’ll use fullback, tailback and quarterback as runners. With the quarterback running, we’ve got an extra threat from what we’ve had the last few years.

Sample sentences:

  1. The happy dog waggled his tail and started running.
  2. It is all very well to be able to write books, but can you waggle your ears?
  3. You must always be a waggle with love.
  4. I played a lot of baseball growing up, and I always hit better if I kept moving before the pitch instead of standing still in the batter’s box. I think a waggle does the same thing in the golf swing. It keeps you relaxed and gets your body ready to hit the ball.
  5. The gods wiggle waggle, but the sky stands still.
  6. When you find a promising hole, you waggle your fingers so alluringly that a large catfish locks its jaws around your arm.
  7. I tell him to load it up early in the pitcher’s motion, to get that waggle with his bat, that rhythm, earlier.
  8. I have waggled a glass at them.
  9. Just waggle the club and set it down in your normal address position.
  10. Brother was unimpressed by John’s demonstration of his ability to waggle his fingers.
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About Sai Prashanth

IT professional. Love to write.