Verb: waft
Pronunciation: (woft)
Waft meaning:
- Be driven or carried along, as by the air. To mover very lightly through the air.
- Blow gently.
Synonyms: zephyr, breeze, puff

Noun: waft
Waft meaning: A long flag; often tapering
Synonyms: pennant, pennon, streamer
Quotations: Caroline Gordon – A well composed book is a magic carpet on which we are wafted to a world that we cannot enter in any other way.
Charlie Johnson – There are few limits as to what we could build these sensors to detect, whether it is a molecule wafting off an explosive device or the protein by-product of a cancerous growth.
Vedas (Indian mythology) – The first impulse of jealousy, moreover the one that comes after the first, the fire, the heart-burning, that do waft away from thee.
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow – The day is done, and the darkness falls from the wings of night, as a feather is wafted downward from an eagle in his flight.
Henry Ward Beecher – Free speech is to a great people what winds are to oceans and malarial regions, which waft away the elements of disease and bring new elements of health; and where free speech is stopped, miasma is bred, and death comes fast.
Sample sentences:
- Before games, the smell of burgers wafts down from the stands.
- God did not intend the human family to be wafted to heaven on flowery beds of ease.
- Information is the oxygen of the modern age. It seeps through the walls topped by barbed wire; it wafts across the electrified borders.
- Speed the soft intercourse from soul to soul and waft a sigh from Indus to the Pole.
- We start the collection with sharply tailored Moroccan inspired suits. And then, as the show progresses, it becomes gentler, softer, more feminine. Men’s evening dress shirts suddenly become wafting long dresses in leopard print sweater chiffon.
- Gentle breeze wafted through the door. It was very pleasant.
- Annoying sounds wafted into the room. We all got disturbed because of that.
- The smell of vegetable soup wafted up to my bedroom in the duplex.
- The awesome sound of music wafted softly into the front yard from a nearby house.
- A gentle breeze wafted the scent of jasmines towards our tea table.