Tuesday , 1 April 2025

Aqueduct meaning

Noun: aqueduct

Pronunciation: (‘ak-wu,du`kt)

Aqueduct meaning :

  • a structure like a bridge that incorporates a canal or pipes for carrying water across a valley.
  • Passage in a part or organ

Synonyms : canal, conduit, waterway, watercourse

aqueduct meaning and aqueduct

Segovia aqueduct and aqueduct meaning

Prestolee aqueduct and aqueduct quotes

A long exposure panorama of Prestolee Aqueduct. © Parrot of Doom / Wikimedia Commons / Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported

Quotations : Eugene Christiansen ~  This prospect of machines at Aqueduct sent shock waves through industry, you’re talking about a potential for huge differences in purses – maybe doubling. I think Mr. Decker is right when he says it’s a matter of when the machines will spread.

Keith Lewinger – Our concern is isolated to the De Luz area. It’s an area that is normally served by the Metropolitan Water District aqueducts. Those aqueducts are not operating, so we have to serve that area through a series of small pipes and pump stations that aren’t made for that purpose.

Benjamin Franklin – What vast additions to the conveniences and comforts of living might mankind have acquired, if the money spent in wars had been employed in works of public utility; what an extension of agriculture even to the tops of our mountains; what rivers rendered navigable, or joined by canals; what bridges, aqueducts, new roads, and other public works, edifices, and improvements might not have been obtained by spending those millions in doing good, which in the last war have been spent in doing mischief.

David Frum – Frustrated on economic issues and apprehensive about social issues, post-Bush conservatives look back on the accomplishments of the early Reagan years the way seventh century Romans must have looked at their aqueducts: to think that we once built all this!

Frontinus – Will anybody compare the pyramids, or those useless though renowned works of the Greeks, with these aqueducts?

Sample sentences :

  1. Dravidians invented the elevated aqueduct.
  2. Aqueducts help in delivery of domestic water through pipes to households.
  3. The aqueducts are off. The water I have in storage is what I’ve got.
  4. If we consider the distances traversed by the water before it arrives, the raising of the arches and aqueducts, the tunneling of mountains and the building of level routes across deep valleys, we shall readily admit that there has never been anything more remarkable in the whole world.
  5. That aqueduct looked like one wall of a long forgotten palace of the kings.
  6. This aqueduct was built at the beginning of third century BC. Archaeological department is trying to renovate this monument.
  7. The workers have built an aqueduct to redirect the water from the near by lake to the city fort.
  8. More number of aqueducts need to be built to avoid water scarcity which is growing day by day.
  9. Segovia aqueduct is one of the finest and best preserved aqueducts in existence.
  10. The newly formed government has repaired all the roads and aqueducts in the city.
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