The Visual Dictionary we are going to introduce to you is one of it’s kind and is very innovative.Our visual dictionary unlike any other online dictionary is very unique and presents the words like a story making it so easy to remember and quickly learn.English being the official language in many countries and since more than 2 billion people use English to communicate on a regular basis, it is important for everyone to learn this language.To gain proficiency and strong hold on the language, one must always work hard on the vocabulary.It is not that easy to memorize typical words.All the competitive exams these days include exclusive English sections where they test our word power.Not just competitive exams like GRE, Common Aptitude Test but also interviewers in all the job interviews test our communication skills.It is obvious that our presentation skills and communication are always dependent on our word power.So it is inevitable to learn new words and improve our vocabulary at all the stages of life.If not continuous learning, we suggest you to learn one word a day to improve your language skills.Can we remember all the words we learn? Is there a easy way to remember the typical words.
The factor that is missing in normal dictionaries online
Dictionaries like Merriam Webster , and Oxford Dictionary offer great content and deal with every detail.They analyze each and every word and offer many things.They not just offer meaning to a word but also offer synonyms, sample sentences, antonyms, related words, pronunciation, origin and quotations.But at the end of the day whoever reads the meaning in these dictionaries cannot confidently say that he or she could remember it for longer.No matter how much information they offer, it is also important that they focus on easy mechanisms for readers to learn quickly and easily.But do they actually do that.So we are trying our best to make some difference in this area and working hard to build a comprehensive visual dictionary.
Why our Visual Dictionary is unique and different
Let me present you our way of explaining each typical word using most relevant images.These images would depict the meaning of the word and will help you in easily remembering the word.Please find the typical words below starting with letter ‘Z’ to know about our visual dictionary.
What does the word Zany mean by? How does the normal dictionaries give the meaning for the same word?Lets compare our style of presenting the word with the others.
Other online dictionaries: They just state the details of the word and give the meaning as “One who acts the buffoon to amuse others” and quote few sample sentences, related words, synonyms and quotations.
Our dictionary:

Don’t you think that whoever sees this image would easily correlate this image and the word and this would help in easy learning.Let us see few more examples.
The word zephyr means the west wind; poetically, any soft, gentle breeze. Usually refreshing slight wind.I don’t think there is no other best possible way than the below to explain this word.

The word ‘zest’ has the following two meanings.
- A piece of orange or lemon peel, or the aromatic oil which may be squeezed from such peel, used to give flavor.

- Great enthusiasm and energy; Vigorous and enthusiastic enjoyment;enjoyably exciting quality.

If there are even more difficult words like languish which means to become weak,feeble or lose vigor,pine away or have a desire for something. We try to figure out some keyword which would help in easy remembrance.Please check the details below to understand our style of presenting the word.
Easy way to remember: “land fish” The keyword land fish helps you in remembering the word languish.A fish on land will become weak, feeble that is a fish on land will languish.So if you remember the word land fish which means a dying fish you could recollect the meaning of the word languish.

Not just images, we also provide you with the best quotations on this word.The following are the quotations we present to you for the word languish.
Quotations : Robert Kennedy – ” Whenever men take the law into their own hands, the loser is the law.And when the law loses,freedom languishes. “
Mohandas Gandhi – ” The main purpose of life is to live rightly, think rightly, act rightly.The soul must languish when we give all our thought to the body. “
Andrei Platonov – “ I lived and languished. “
John Gay – “ But his kiss was so sweet, and so closely he pressed, that I languished and pined till I granted the rest. “
We do not bore you!
We always try to add some humor to the way we try to explain the words.Say there is a word gormless which means lacking intelligence and stupid.Instead of just providing the below image which is very apt to the word we have also added a video which will make you laugh but ensures that you remember this word forever.
We have added the video of Mr.Bean where he entertains us by his gormless acts.This way we try to give the best.
Similar and confusing words
Say there are two words ascent and assent.Such words are often confusing and it is difficult to remember the meaning.Check the image below to get the meaning of both the words.
Meaning of ascent : Climbing or moving up or going up
Meaning of assent: approval or approve or agree to a request.
We think this is the best possible image to explain the meaning of both the words with this scenario where a person needs assent to ascent.
Join hands to increase the content and help everyone
If you think that this would greatly help people getting prepared for competitive exams and also people of all ages to learn critical words easily then please join with us.Even you can submit an entry and all you need to see is that it is the best possible image to explain that word and own copyrights for the usage of that image.Or at least make sure that you have taken permission to use that image from the rightful owner.
Just mail to us at and we would quickly review and add that word to our growing dictionary.We would also publish the contributors name and details along with the word.Please see the below image for the format.

Could also check the menu titled “Visual Dictionary” in the sidebar to browse the words and for the reference.Hope you like our attempt to offer the best possible visual dictionary for all ages for typical words.Please comment your suggestions to improve the quality or please comment your opinion on our effort.