Friday , 14 March 2025

Vigilant meaning

Adjective: vigilant

Pronunciation: (vi-ju-lunt)

Vigilant meaning: Carefully observant or very attentive; on the lookout for possible danger.

Synonyms: Argus-eyed, open-eyed, wakeful, alert, watchful, attentive

vigilant meaning is carefully observant or very attentive; on the lookout for possible danger.
Alertly watchful especially to avoid danger

Quotations:  Michael Moskow – Inflation currently is near the upper end of the range that I feel is consistent with price stability. As such, I believe monetary policy must be vigilant.

Linda Reiff – We applaud Bronco for its commitment to come into compliance with the law. The Bronco case is just one example, and we will remain vigilant to protect against future abuses in the other 49 states and abroad.

Michael Hansen – Based on this new research, if just one infected cow entered the U.S. feed supply and the brain and spinal cord of that animal were maximally dispersed in feed, it could potentially infect 45,000 other cows. That’s why we have to be extremely vigilant about keeping any infected animal material out of feed and food.

Lynn Reaser – The task the Fed faces is trying to retain confidence that it will be vigilant on inflation, while also realizing that it is close to attaining neutral rates.

Ed Troyer – The student had to get some stitches but he’ll be okay. Regardless, we have a weapon involved where desperate people are doing desperate things in broad daylight. Students need to be vigilant.

Sample sentences:

  1. Love, though said to be afflicted with blindness, is a vigilant watchman.
  2. HIV remains a huge problem in India and we have to remain vigilant.
  3. We should be eternally vigilant against attempts to check the expression of opinions that we loathe.
  4. Be ever vigilant, but never suspicious.
  5. No man is entitled to the blessings of freedom unless he be vigilant in its preservation.
  6. The fact that the Fed is remaining vigilant is positive for earnings growth. They see a robust economy and they see that continuing.
  7. But you do a character for five years, every day, 14 hours a day, 10 months out of a year, and the walls that you’ve built up between yourself and this character necessarily come down. Like I bleed through into Mulder all the time, just because I can’t be as vigilant as I was in the beginning.
  8. The most disturbing thing is the resolution asks Missouri legislators whether or not they believe in God. Not all legislators are practicing Christians, there are some Jews and, although you won’t hear about it during election time, probably a few atheists. We need to be very vigilant before we wake up one day and ask what happened to our democracy. This is not a theocracy.
  9. The system is working. We have the safest food supply in the world in this country, but that doesn’t mean we’re not as vigilant as we can be to make sure it remains that way.
  10. These recent incidents just remind us that we have to be constantly vigilant and constantly aware. The most important thing we learned is how important it is to maintain close ties with students so that kids will let a trusted adult know when something doesn’t feel right.
  11. Even when you’ve got the tools in place, it’s something you want to be vigilant about.
  12. New Year’s is a concern every year. But after the riots we are more vigilant than usual. That is one reason why we extended the state of emergency to February.
  13. With the economy operating at close to full capacity, it’s important that the Fed be vigilant about the possibility of some acceleration in inflation.
  14. We need a lot of support as far as signatures go, so we are going to need people to remain vigilant and check in with us next week.
  15. I think it’s time for the people and the press, in particular, to be more vigilant about not giving equal weight to lies as they give the truth.
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About Sai Prashanth

IT professional. Love to write.