Friday , 14 March 2025

Vertex meaning

Noun: vertex


Vertex meaning:

  • The point of intersection of lines or the point opposite the base of a figure
  • The highest point (of something)

Synonyms: peak, apex, acme

vertex and vertex meaning. The highest point of something.
At the vertex of the pyramid.
  • The top of the head

Synonyms: pate, poll, crown
Derived forms: vertexes, vertices

  1. Samuel Beckett – Bloom of adulthood. Try a whiff of that. On your back in the dark you remember. Ah you remember. Cloudless May day. She joins you in the little summerhouse. Entirely of logs. Both larch and fir. Six feet across. Eight from floor to vertex. Area twenty-four square feet to the furthest decimal. Two small multicoloured lights vis-a-vis. Small stained diamond panes. Under each a ledge. There on summer Sundays after his midday meal your father loved to retreat with Punch and a cushion. The waist of his trousers unbuttoned he sat on the one ledge and turned the pages. You on the other your feet dangling. When he chuckled you tried to chuckle too. When his chuckle died yours too. That you should try to imitate his chuckle pleased and amused him greatly and sometimes he would chuckle for no other reason than to hear you try to chuckle too. Sometimes you turn your head and look out through a rose-red pane. You press your little nose against the pane and all without is rosy. The years have flown and there at the same place as then you sit in the bloom of adulthood bathed in rainbow light gazing before you. She is late.
  2. Kate Clifford Larson – Patients, they wrote, underwent “unnamed tortures when having their hands and feet strapped to the operating table, their heads shaved to the vertex [top of the skull], and the outside world masked from view by the towels and drapes.” Next came the “rattling of the instruments, the noise of the suction apparatus, and the menacing spark of the electro-cautery.” Some patients told them they wanted to die right then and there. Others called for help. These terrifying moments were useful, the doctors assured their colleagues, as the patients’ distress was often so great that the “additional trouble caused by the operation passes almost unnoticed.
  3. Leonard Susskind – The principles are exactly the same as those of QED: everything is built out of propagators, vertex diagrams, and coupling constants. But there are new actors and whole new plot lines, including one called QCD.

Sample sentences:

  1. The intersecting point of diagonals on the GPG’s base area marks the tip of the line joining the apex of a cone to the center of its base on the same course of the two shafts’ ends. Half of the vertex angle of this cone equals to 32.5.
  2. How should you go about claiming your award money? There are two possible directions to take. You can try to prove that P = NP or you can aim to show that P is not equal to NP. To show that P = NP, all you have to do is take one of your favorite NP-Complete problems and find a polynomial algorithm that solves it. As we have seen, if you do find such an algorithm, then all NP problems will be solvable in a polynomial amount of operations. It might seem strange to think that a problem that demands an exponential or factorial amount of operations can be done in a polynomial amount of operations. It might seem strange to think that a problem that demands an exponential or factorial amount of operations can be done in a polynomial amount of operations. However, we saw something similar with the Euler Cycle Problem. Rather than look through all n! possible cycles to see if any are Euler cycles, we used the trick of checking if the number of edges touching each vertex is even or not. Does a similar trick for the Hamiltonian Cycle Problem exist? For many years, the smartest people around have been looking for such a trick or algorithm and have not been successful. However, you might possess some deeper insight that they lack. Get to it!On the other hand, you can try to show that P is not equal to NP. One way to do this is to take an NP problem and show that no polynomial algorithm exists for it. It so happens that it is very hard to prove such a claim: there are a lot of algorithms out there. This has turned out to be one of the hardest problems in mathematics. As a final hint, it should be noted that most researchers believe that P is not equal to NP.
  3. Where in the work of these people was love, the unmoving motor of all the stars, fixed point and vertex of the actions of men of real daring?
  4. One vertex points north, to reference Abraham Lincoln.
  5. I stared at the peak for perhaps thirty minutes, trying to apprehend what it would be like to be standing on that gale- swept vertex.
  6. We understand this cube to cast a shadow, which we usually draw as two squares with their vertices connected.
  7. How many of the shapes were around each vertex?
  8. He almost abandoned two especially tricky vertices, which couldn’t be made to coöperate, but past his deadline he made one last-ditch effort.
  9. The distant star is at the opposite vertex.
  10. It resembles two nested cubes, all the vertices connected by lines.
  11. The smaller the angle at that vertex, the farther away the star is.
  12. Illustrations of the former are the bonds between cube root, hectare, brokerage, commission, indorsement, vertex, adjacent, nonagon, sector, draft, bill of exchange, and their meanings.
  13. Calculate the radii of the three circles having the vertices as centers, each being tangent externally to the other two.
  14. Throbbing in the vertex, by stooping; scalp is painful and sensitive to touch, even the hair is painful.
  15. Specifically, it is an inverted cone with its base at the moon and its vertex at the telescope.
  16. Pressing pain in the head, extending from the vertex toward the forehead as if something would come out.
  17. On touching the vertex the skin pains as if it were suppurating, in the afternoon.
  18. Profound depression with sleeplessness and frequent vertex headache are early symptoms.
  19. The ends of these diameters are the vertices of the required square.
  20. The blow-hole is of a semilunar form, with a kind of valvular apparatus, and opens on the vertex, nearly over the eyes.
  21. Thus we have to construct an isosceles triangle, having the angle at the vertex equal to half an angle at the base.
  22. It should be noticed that in the usual solution two arcs intersect, and the point thus determined is connected with the vertex.
  23. Once the regular pentagon is inscribed, it is easy to circumscribe another by drawing tangents at the vertices of the inscribed pentagon.
  24. This distance from the vertex will be the earth’s radius.
  25. Around the umbra is an enveloping shaded cone with its vertices directly towards the sun.
  26. If in a right triangle a perpendicular is drawn from the vertex of the right angle to the hypotenuse.
  27. We may suppose that the triangles have a common vertex, and their bases in the same line.
  28. The vertex was, however, in reality rounded off, and the figure rather resembled a hyperbola, which tended to coincidence with its asymptotes.
  29. If the stone were long, the vertex is at the ends, not on the sides; it allures more strongly at the vertex.
  30. The practical problem may be given of locating the vertices of the triangle and of finding the length of each stay.
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About Sai Prashanth

IT professional. Love to write.