Friday , 14 March 2025

Tightwad meaning

Noun: tightwad

Pronunciation: (‘tIt,wod)

Tightwad meaning: A miserly person. A person characterized by or indicative of lack of generosity.

Synonyms: cheapskate

tightwad meaning

Quotations: Amy Dacyczyn – Tightwaddery without creativity is deprivation. When there is a lack of resourcefulness, inventiveness, and innovation, thrift means doing without. When creativity combines with thrift you may be doing it without money, but you are not doing without.

Amy Dacyczyn – The dieter will fail as long as he hates low-calorie food. The would-be athlete will fail as long as he hates exertion. The tightwad wannabe will fail as long as he views frugality as a lifestyle he has to endure, or was forced into by circumstance.

Robert Kiyosaki Quotes – John D. Rockefeller apparently became more of a tightwad the richer he got. I don’t know if it is true, but one story I read was about one of his sons having to wear his older sister’s clothes in order to save money.

Sample sentences:

  • What sort of date are you? Come on then, tightwad. Chips are on me. We’ve only got five billion years ’til the shops close.
  • Tightwad is one who is stingy and miser.
  • His wife is a tightwad and he’s broke.He incurred losses in the business.He has ruined his life.
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About Sai Prashanth

IT professional. Love to write.