Thursday , 27 March 2025

Talon meaning

Noun: talon

Pronunciation: (ta-lun)

Talon meaning: The claw of a predaceous bird or animal, especially the claw of a bird of prey or the claw of a fowl.

Synonym: claw

talon meaning

Derived forms: talons

Quotations: Robert Earl Hayden –  As well have a talon as a finger, a muzzle as a mouth, as well have a hollow as a heart.

Shakespeare – When I was about thy years, Hal, I was not an eagle’s talon in the waist, I could have crept into any alderman’s thumb-ring.A plague of sighing and grief, it blows a man up like a bladder.

Carolyn Kizer – Whose denizens can turn upon the world with spitting tongue, an odor, talon, claw to sting or soil benevolence, alien as our clumsy traps, our random scatter of shot.She swept to the kitchen. Turning on the tap,she washed and washed the pity from her hands.

Lee Berger – These critical clues were puncture marks in the base of the eye sockets of primates, made when the eagles ripped the eyes out of the dead monkeys with their sharp talons and beaks. It was a marker that others hadn’t noted before, that linked eagles definitively to the kill.

Sample sentences:

  1. The eagle held a little bird in one talon as it flew toward the forest.
  2. Vultures usually have naked head and weaker talons.
  3. A wise falcon hides his talons.
  4. The worry we have then is if adults come charging. No one wants to get a talon in the back of the neck.
  5. It always is. It’s such a massive and stunning bird with its white head and large talons. And it’s our symbol of freedom.
  6. Cheetah attacked the deer with its talon.
  7. The bird has used its beak and talons to build its nest on top of that tall tree.
  8. Their logo featured vulture’s talon and it looked awesome.
  9. The animal has wrung the bird’s neck using its deadly talons.
  10. Usually birds hide their talons while flying and looking out for prey.
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About Sai Prashanth

IT professional. Love to write.