Friday , 14 March 2025

Shoal meaning

Noun: shoal

Pronunciation: (showl)

Shoal meaning:

  • A sandbank in a stretch of water that is visible at low tide.
shoal meaning
Sandbank in a stretch of water that is visible at low tide.
  • A stretch of shallow water. Synonym: shallow, ford
  • A large group of fish. Synonym: school

shoal of fish meaning


Verb: shoal

Shoal meaning: Make shallow or become shallow

Quotations: Thomas Jefferson – The art of life is the art of avoiding pain; and he is the best pilot, who steers clearest of the rocks and shoals with which it is beset.

Guy Browning – A shoal of a million fish might not be able to write Romeo and Juliet but they can change direction as one in the blink of an eye. Using language a human team leader can give an order to a team of six and have it interpreted in six completely different ways.

Simon Conway Morris – The way Conway Morris goes about biting the hand that once fed him would make a shoal of piranha seem decorous.

William Congreve – Here she comes i’faith full sail, with her fan spread and streamers out, and a shoal of fools for tenders. Congreve University. But the education is a little too pedantic for a gentleman.

Sample sentences:

  1. A shoal of small glittering fish swam by.
  2. The silt shoaled the canal.
  3. The lake shoaled over time.
  4. No part of that shoal has a greater depth than 5 or 6 feet.
  5. Sand and shoal waters, look very beautiful from distance.
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About Sai Prashanth

IT professional. Love to write.