Saturday , 1 March 2025

Quiver meaning

Noun: quiver

Pronunciation: (kwi-vu(r))

Quiver meaning:

  • A case for carrying or holding arrows.
  • A shaky motion.
  • Sensation of fright.
  • The act of vibrating

quivered, quivers, quivering

Quotations: Gerrard Winstanley- When the people stare at the sky and dream of blessedness, or when they quiver with fear for hell after death, their eyes get blinded so they can’t see their own right of primogeniture.

Percy Bysshe ShelleyIf we reason, we would be understood; if we imagine, we would that the airy children of our brain were born anew within another’s; if we feel, we would that another’s nerves should vibrate to our own, that the beams of their eyes should kindle at once and mix and melt into our own, that lips of motionless ice should not reply to lips quivering and burning with the heart’s best blood. This is Love.

Amanda Lenhart– There is something different about communications that are mediated by a piece of technology; it is easier to talk about difficult subjects, and that is both good and bad. You don’t see the person’s upper lip tremble. You don’t hear their voice quiver. You don’t get those external, non-textual cues.

Victor Hugo – How did it happen that their lips came together? How does it happen that birds sing, that snow melts, that the rose unfolds, that the dawn whitens behind the stark shapes of trees on the quivering summit of the hill? A kiss, and all was said.

George Sand – Try to keep your soul young and quivering right up to old age, and to imagine right up to the brink of death that life is only beginning. I think that is the only way to keep adding to one’s talent, and one’s inner happiness.

Sample sentences:

  1. She seemed to quiver at the suggestion.
  2. When threatened, birds will let their wings hang limply and quiver.
  3. That thought alone made her quiver.
  4. Try to keep your soul young and quivering right up to old age.
  5. There is something different about communications that are mediated by a piece of technology; it is easier to talk about difficult subjects, and that is both good and bad. You don’t see the person’s upper lip tremble. You don’t hear their voice quiver. You don’t get those external, non-textual cues.
  6. Satellite companies are working on smaller bases, and their market shares have been growing since 1995 when they started. Their growth rate is slowing, however. Part of that is due to the fact that cable has got more arrows in their quiver now by being able to offer more services to a customer.
  7. With memory set smarting like a reopened wound, a man’s past is not simply a dead history, an outworn preparation of the present: it is a still quivering part of himself, bringing shudders and bitter flavors and the tinglings of a merited shame.
  8. It’s almost as though the hurricanes didn’t happen, from a storage standpoint. It makes me quiver to say that.
  9. Into thy womb shall enter a male germ, as an arrow into a quiver! May a man be born there, a son ten months old!
  10. It’s a nice achievement. You set out at the beginning of the year to finish as high as possible. That’s what we’ve done. But we don’t think of it as an advantage or teams are going to quiver because of it.
  11. My limbs fail and my mouth becomes dry. My body quivers and my hairs stand on end.
  12. How blunt are all the arrows of thy quiver in comparison with those of guilt.
  13. When a man is close to tears discussing his work and his lip quivers, he deserves bosses who punch back. I feel I would punch back for Dan.
  14. Do I fear for Roy’s safety? Absolutely. How could you watch him lie still on the canvas for such a long time after getting knocked out by Glen Johnson, watch his feet quiver like that, and not be concerned? He couldn’t be any worse than he was against Glen Johnson. I don’t rule out that he could beat Antonio Tarver. I just don’t think it’s worth taking the risk. I would prefer not to see him get hit in the head again.
  15. They’ve been hollering about 18 months as the magic number in these earlier cases. Now they’ll have to come up with something else. That arrow has been taken out of their quiver.
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About Sai Prashanth

IT professional. Love to write.