Pamper meaning

Verb: pamper

Pronunciation: (pam-pu)

Pamper meaning: Treat with excessive indulgence.

Synonyms: cocker, coddle, cosset, mollycoddle, featherbed, indulge

pamper meaning
Guards pampering the prisoner.

Quotations: Ann Landers – What the vast majority of American children need is to stop being pampered, stop being indulged, stop being chauffeured, stop being catered to. In the final analysis it is not what you do for your children but what you have taught them to do for themselves that will make them successful human beings.

Mahatma Gandhi – As a rule, the mind, residing in a body that has become weakened by pampering, is also weak, and where there is no strength of mind there can be no strength of soul.

William Hazlitt – Prosperity is a great teacher; adversity is a greater. Possession pampers the mind; privation trains and strengthens it.

Scott Savin – We’re thrilled with what we heard today from our patrons. They echoed the same sentiments, that it had the feel of a lavish, high-energy sports book. And they enjoyed the idea of being pampered. This is a new paradigm, a new presentation of racing that we think others will follow.

Tom Diaz – The gun industries are just these pampered little babies that don’t want to give an inch to the war against terrorism. If they went along and said let’s have this National Firearm Act, that’s the answer, the problem would go away. Shooters would not have a problem. Hunters would not have a problem. Collectors would not have a problem. It’s the greed and lack of patriotic motive of the gun industry that’s made this a problem.

Sample sentences:

  1. A lot of people don’t want to do any of the legwork themselves. They’ve spent their whole life working and doing everything and now they are retired and want to be utterly pampered.
  2. This is not a case of a pampered athlete. He took it like a man. He took it like any citizen in this situation. He didn’t whimper, he didn’t cry, he didn’t beg. He took it like a man.
  3. This is the kind of getaway we would want, where you are pampered and taken care of but nobody is in your way. Getting that space from others and time alone is really hard to get sometimes.
  4. It’s crazy. These bears, year-round, are some of the most pampered animals on the planet. We measure everything that goes in. We measure everything that goes out.
  5. His mother and my mother would really overdo it. He’d call and say, ‘Granny I’m not feeling good.’ She’d go to school and pick him up and on the way home he’d say, ‘Can we go to McDonald’s?’ He was over pampered as a child, never wanting for anything.
  6. The island is a one-stop shop for wilderness and outdoor adventure. You can get your feet dirty by day and be pampered at night.
  7. We used to be pampered, now we are searched. The frustration tolerance has been decreased.
  8. Colorado ski areas have really pampered the people on the mountain. On the slopes, we have held their hand and been great at taking care of them.
  9. We’re thrilled with what we heard today from our patrons. They echoed the same sentiments, that it had the feel of a lavish, high-energy sports book. And they enjoyed the idea of being pampered. This is a new paradigm, a new presentation of racing that we think others will follow.
  10. It was terrible. I just remember the floor being so wet. You had to put a towel down to stay dry when you got out of your clothes. Your equipment hung on little hooks instead of in a stall. It definitely made you uncomfortable as a visitor. You weren’t pampered at all.
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About Sai Prashanth

IT professional. Love to write.