Wednesday , 26 March 2025

Ostracize meaning

Verb: ostracize

Pronunciation: (‘os-tru,sIz)

Ostracize meaning: 

  • Expel from a community or group.
  • Avoid speaking to or dealing with.

Synonyms: banish, cast out, shun

outcast meaning and ostracize meaning
One that is cast out or refused acceptance.

Quotations:  William Roderick – That day, I did what I had to do, It’s good to get people prepared for the unknown stuff. I’d say, yes, Pete Stark is fair in his manners. At least he shows a little interest and support. He’s not like all the people who ostracized me.

James Koshiba – In those days, who bought? Who had money? Aside from being ostracized for doing something no one else was doing, these guys really struggled, and there were a number of people who were not art collectors, who just wanted to help.

Randall Thacker –  She was that person who wanted to include everybody. Their home became a place where kids hang out, and it still is today. She’d bring home sometimes 20 or more people from college. She never wanted anybody to be ostracized or left out in any area.

Liz Curtin – We’re dealing with the rights of clients who have a right to this information, and they had a legal, ethical and moral duty to give it to us. My client is looking at a minimum of 20 years in prison. He has been unable to find employment. He has been ostracized by his community. We do not have the information we were entitled to know years ago.

Sample sentences:

  • I don’t see any evidence of her being ostracized.
  • I expect they will be ostracized for a great period of time and may not get the best committee assignments. The difference between an insurgency and a revolution is numbers.
  • A gay boxer would be ostracized. It would take amazing courage.
  • They give every ounce of effort to be out there and play. It’s a world where they don’t feel ostracized.
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About Sai Prashanth

IT professional. Love to write.