Adjective: osseous
Pronunciation: (o`-see-us)
Osseous meaning: Composed of bone; capable of forming bone; bony or full of bones.
Synonyms: bony, osteal

Quotations: Robertson Davies – A big man is always accused of gluttony, whereas a wizened or osseous man can eat like a refugee at every meal, and no one ever notices his greed.
Vic Snyder – It is important to note that there are no age limitations on who can donate organs and osseous tissues. Newborns as well as senior citizens have been organ donors.
Sample sentences:
- A mechanical encounter or other energy exchange may cause damage to osseous tissues.
- Professor used osseous color model of human brain to explain the concepts clearly to the students.
- Osseous tissues are bit harder when compared to other tissues of human body.
- We have visited an osseous rain forest within which dangerous animals lived.
- We have seen many osseous remains near the grave yard and we were bit panicked seeing them.
- The horns of deer are often termed as bony or osseous.