Wednesday , 26 March 2025

Lopsided meaning

Adjective: lopsided

Pronunciation: (‘lóp,sI-did)

Lopsided meaning:

  • Having one side lower, smaller or lighter than the other
  • Turned or twisted toward one side

Synonyms: askew, awry, cockeyed, wonky, skew-whiff

lopsided meaning

  1. Maggie Stiefvater – You two are too cute, the counter girl said, setting two cups piled with whipped cream on the counter. She had a sort of lopsided, open smile that made me think she laughed a lot.
  2. Kate DiCamillo – There are those hearts, reader, that never mend again once they are broken. Or if they do mend, they heal themselves in a crooked and lopsided way, as if sewn together by a careless craftsman. Such was the fate of Chiaroscuro. His heart was broken. Picking up the spoon and placing it on his head, speaking of revenge, these things helped him to put his heart together again. But it was, alas, put together wrong.
  3. R.L. Mathewson – She gave his hand a small squeeze. Jason, if we’re going to try this then I’d like to take things slow. He frowned. What I mean is nothing beyond the level we were at last night. He gave her one of his lopsided smiles. I’ll wear you down eventually.
  4. Becca Fitzpatrick – I walked to Scott, each step heavy, tears hot on my face, my hands hovering uselessly over his rapidly decaying body. I shut my eyes, forcing myself to recall his lopsided grin. Not his vacant eyes. In my mind, I played back his teasing laugh. Not the gurgling, gasping sounds he’d made right before dying. I remembered his warmth in accidental touches and playful jabs, knowing his body was rotting even as I clung to the memory. Thank you, I choked out, telling myself that somewhere nearby, he could still hear my voice. You saved my life. Good-bye, Scott. I’ll never forget you, that’s my oath to you.
  5. Jennifer L. Armentrout – I let out the breath I hadn’t realized I was holding. Meeting his amber-colored eyes, I admitted what probably wasn’t a secret, but what I felt like I needed to put into words. I like you, Seth. He stopped his hand over mine, staying there, as he gave me a lopsided smile.
  6. Brandon Sanderson – That made me think of Megan. I lost control, and a green wave of smoky energy burst from my hand and flew out in front of me. It missed the pipe completely, but vaporized the metal leg of the chair it sat on. Dust showered down and the chair went lopsided, dumping the pipe to the floor with a clang.
  7. Colleen Houck – I could feel his presence. The warmth of him seeped into my back, and I quivered all over like spring leaves in a warm breeze. Kishan narrowed his eyes and said, I believe it is the lady’s choice. Kishan looked down at me. He brushed a hand through his hair, and his smile turned into a lopsided grin.
  8. William Ritter – Failure is not the opposite of success it’s a part of it. And as failures go, he added with a lopsided grin, this one was really spectacular, wasn’t it?
  9. Ami McKay – How a mother comes to love her child, her caring at all for this thing that’s made her heavy, lopsided and slow, this thing that made her wish she were dead that’s the miracle.

Sample sentences:

  1. There was a scuffling and a great thump: someone else had clambered out of the tunnel, overbalanced slightly and fallen. He pulled himself up on the nearest chair, looked around through lopsided horn – rimmed glasses.
  2. I gave a lopsided shrug. I’ve always wanted to yell that since I saw that movie. Seemed like the perfect moment.
  3. Immediately the smoke curling from the chimney stopped forming itself into question marks and began puffing out in the shape of lopsided hearts.
  4. They would never change because they’d been given their character too soon; which, like sudden riches, leads to a lack of proportion: the one had splurged herself into a top-heavy realist, the other a lopsided romantic.
  5. He grinned lopsidedly in an attempt to get me to should be dating a very old lady.” A tiny smile passed my lips.
  6. Ryder said with his lopsided grin that looked more dangerous than friendly.
  7. Kellan looked back at me, cocky amusement infused into his lopsided grin. I’m glad you don’t squeal when I look at you. He leaned in, his arm brushing mine. I like having to earn it, he whispered.
  8. Well, I’m more lopsided than a one-legged badger.
  9. It takes no more research than a trip to almost any public library or college to show the incredibly lopsided coverage of slavery in the United States or in the Western Hemisphere, as compared to the meager writings on even larger number of Africans enslaved in the Islamic countries of the Middle East and North Africa, not to mention the vast numbers of Europeans also enslaved in centuries past in the Islamic world and within Europe itself. At least a million Europeans were enslaved by North African pirates alone from 1500 to 1800, and some Europeans slaves were still being sold on the auction blocks in the Egypt, years after the Emancipation Proclamation freed blacks in the United States.
  10. Every time the women appear, Snowman is astonished all over again. They’re every known colour from the deepest black to whitest white, they’re various heights, but each one of them is admirably proportioned. Each is sound of tooth, smooth of skin. No ripples of fat around their waists, no bulges, no dimpled orange-skin cellulite on their thighs. No body hair, no bushiness. They look like retouched fashion photos, or ads for a high priced workout program.Maybe this is the reason that these women arouse in Snowman not even the faintest stirrings of lust. It was the thumbprints of human imperfection that used to move him, the flaws in the design: the lopsided smile, the wart next to the navel, the mole, the bruise.
  11. She gave me a lopsided quirk of a smile.
  12. But in the 17th century Russian Orthodoxy was gravely weakened by an internal schism. In the 18th, the country was shaken by Peter’s forcibly imposed transformations, which favored the economy, the state, and the military at the expense of the religious spirit and national life. And along with this lopsided Petrine enlightenment, Russia felt the first whiff of secularism; its subtle poisons permeated the educated classes in the course of the 19th century and opened the path to Marxism. By the time of the Revolution, faith had virtually disappeared in Russian educated circles; and amongst the uneducated, its health was threatened.
  13. Darling, you know what they say. You have to kiss a lot of frogs before you find your prince. I give her a lopsided, bittersweet smile. I think I’ve kissed a prince, Mom. I hope he doesn’t turn into a frog.
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About Sai Prashanth

IT professional. Love to write.