Verb: daunt
Pronunciation: (dont)
Daunt meaning:
- To make someone afraid or less confident.
- to lessen the courage or cause to lose courage.
Synonyms: frighten away, scare off, intimidate, discourage, demoralize, dishearten, dismay

Quotations: Charles Dickens – A heart well worth winning, and well won. A heart that, once won, goes through fire and water for the winner, and never changes, and is never daunted.
Anne Belec – Each year with the Volvo for life Awards, we seek to not only recognize everyday heroes, but to also inspire others to do good in their communities. Selecting our nine finalists from more than 4,300 nominations was a daunting task. While their stories are unique, they share a passion for creating change within their communities that will have lasting impacts for generations to come.
Carolee Cannata – Paring down an entire household to just a few precious and necessary items is a daunting task. Even the most supportive families find their schedules or out-of-town location won?t allow them to manage the job alone. Without a system, tasks such as organizing health insurance claims, maintaining vital records, or creating an inventory of assets that would be needed in case of fire, loss or theft can seem overwhelming.
Gerard Butler – At first it was a bit strange and daunting to have to wear a mask, but afterwards I came to enjoy it. In warm conditions, though, it started to slip off my face. Other times they used this double-sided sticky tape, and I literally couldn’t get it off my face. I would feel like I was ripping my face off and I had a lot of cuts and bruises because of it-huge red marks. People might think it was method acting.
Sample sentences:
- The task of migrating to blades is daunting to many of them because they have limited IT resources.
- Anyone that was there would say we gave them a run for their money. We’re not daunted at all.
- I refuse to allow a disability to determine how I live my life. I don’t mean to be reckless, but setting a goal that seems a bit daunting actually is very helpful toward recovery.
- If you break that down, you can do it. But without significant change in spending, it’s too daunting.
- The Olympics aren’t as daunting as people think they are.