Wednesday , 26 March 2025

Camo meaning

Noun: camo

Pronunciation: (camo)

Camo meaning:

  • Fabric dyed with splotches of green and brown and black and tan; intended to make the wearer of a garment made of this fabric hard to distinguish from the background

Synonyms: camouflage
Derived forms: camos

camo and camo meaning. fabric dyed with splotches of green and brown and black and tan

  1. J.R. Ward – A cold blast hit him and he laughed at the sting as he stepped outside, surveyed the night sky, and drank deeply.Such a good liar he was. Such a good one.Everyone thought he was fine because he’d camo’d his little problems. He wore a Sox hat to hide the eye twitch. Set his wristwatch to go off every half hour to beat back the dream. Ate though he wasn’t angry. Laughed though he found nothing funny.And he’d always smoked like a chimney.
  2. Rick Riordan – I’ll leave you guys to get acquainted. Somebody show Leo to dinner when it’s time? I got it, one of the girls said. Nyssa, Leo remembered. She wore camo pants, a tank top that showed off her buff arms, and a red bandanna over her mop of dark hair. Except for the smiley-face Band-Aid on her chin, she looked like one of those female action heroes, like any second she was going to grab a machine gun and start mowing down evil aliens. Cool, Leo said. I always wanted a sister who could beat me up.
  3. Karen Traviss – Darman: I want my HUD back. I want my enhanced view. Fi: But you get to wear face camo instead. Makes you feel wild and dangerous. Sev: I’m wild. And then I get dangerous. Shut up. Fi: Copy that. Scorch: Don’t mind him. He’ll be fine once he’s killed something.
  4. Diana Palmer – I made decaf, he said. Caffeine isn’t good for you. Thank you, Mama Lane. He made a face at her. Tate and I used to share everything. Let him go off in a snit. I’ll share his baby. If he doesn’t come back, I’ll appropriate it, and you. That’s one area where all your commando skills will fail, dear man, she said affectionately. I like you very much, and you can be baby’s godfather. But I’m raising this child myself. Godfather. He was savoring the word when the toast popped up. Bad choice of words, she murmured. I wouldn’t want to give you any bad ideas. I don’t want my child outfitted in a fedora and a machine gun. Commando godfathers are a different breed. Black bags and camo gear aren’t much better, she informed him. Spoilsport. Where’s your sense of adventure? Hanging in the shower trying to dry out.
  5. Bear Grylls – So that is how we came to be standing in a sparse room, in a nondescript building in the barracks at SAS HQ–just a handful out of all those who had started out so many months earlier.We shuffled around impatiently. We were ready.Ready, finally, to get badged as SAS soldiers.The colonel of the regiment walked in, dressed casually in lightweight camo trousers, shirt, beret, and blue SAS belt.He smiled at us. Well done, lads. Hard work, isn’t it? We smiled back. You should be proud today. But remember: this is only the beginning. The real hard work starts now, when you return to your squadron. Many are called, few are chosen. Live up to that. He paused. And from now on for the rest of your life remember this: you are part of the SAS family. You’ve earned that. And it is the finest family in the world. But what makes our work here extraordinary is that everyone here goes that little bit extra. When everyone else gives up, we give more. That is what sets us apart. It is a speech I have never forgotten.I stood there, my boots worn, cracked, and muddy, my trousers ripped, and wearing a sweaty black T-shirt.I felt prouder than I had ever felt in my life.We all came to attention–no pomp and ceremony. We each shook the colonel’s hand and were handed the coveted SAS sandy beret.Along the way, I had come to learn that it was never about the beret–it was about what it stood for: camaraderie, sweat, skill, humility, endurance, and character.I molded the beret carefully onto my head as he finished down the line. Then he turned and said: Welcome to the SAS. My door is always open if you need anything–that’s how things work around here. Now go and have a beer or two on me. Trucker and I had done it, together, against all the odds.So that was SAS Selection. And as the colonel had said, really it was just the beginning.
  6. Trish Holland – Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the base only sentries were stirring–they guarded the place.At the foot of each bunk sat a helmet and boot for the Santa of Soldiers to fill up with loot.The soldiers were sleeping and snoring away as they dreamed of back home on good Christmas Day.One snoozed with his rifle–he seemed so content.I slept with the letters my family had sent.When outside the tent there arose such a clatter.I sprang from my rack to see what was the matter.Away to the window I flew like a flash.Poked out my head, and yelled, What was that crash? When what to my thrill and relief should appear,But one of our Black hawks to give the all clear.More rattles and rumbles! I heard a deep whine!Then up drove eight Humvees, a jeep close behind each vehicle painted a bright Christmas green.With more lights and gold tinsel than I’d ever seen.The convoy commander leaped down and he paused.I knew then and there it was Sergeant McClaus! More rapid than rockets, his drivers they came when he whistled, and shouted, and called them by name: Now, Cohen! Mendoza! Woslowski! McCord!Now, Li! Watts! Donetti! And Specialist Ford! Go fill up my sea bags with gifts large and small!Now dash away! Dash away! Dash away, all! In the blink of an eye, to their trucks the troops darted.As I drew in my head and was turning around,Through the tent flap the sergeant came in with a bound.He was dressed all in camo and looked quite a sight with a Santa had added for this special night. His eyes–sharp as lasers! He stood six feet six.His nose was quite crooked, his jaw hard as bricks!A stub of cigar he held clamped in his teeth.And the smoke, it encircled his head like a wreath.A young driver walked in with a seabag in tow. McClaus took the bag, told the driver to go.Then the sarge went to work. And his mission today?Bring Christmas from home to the troops far away!Tasty gifts from old friends in the helmets he laid.There were candies, and cookies, and cakes, all homemade.Many parents sent phone cards so soldiers could hear treasured voices and laughter of those they held dear.Loving husbands and wives had mailed photos galore of weddings and birthdays and first steps and more.And for each soldier’s boot, like a warm, happy hug,There was art from the children at home sweet and snug.As he finished the job–did I see a twinkle?Was that a small smile or instead just a wrinkle?To the top of his brow he raised up his handAnd gave a salute that made me feel grand.I gasped in surprise when, his face all aglow,He gave a huge grin and a big HO! HO! HO! from the barracks and then from the base.HO! HO! HO! as the convoy sped up into space.As the camp radar lost him, I heard this faint call: HAPPY CHRISTMAS, BRAVE SOLDIERS!MAY PEACE COME TO ALL!
  7. Ophelia London – Hey,” Natalie said. “You’re here early.” “It’s almost seven. Why are you covered in chocolate? Your clothes and your face. Both your faces.” Luke looked at Natalie, really looked at her. Yep, she was smeared with chocolate like it was camo paint, transferred from his mouth to hers and back again too many times to count. “We were.” Natalie began. “We were just” “Sampling,” Luke cut in. If Natalie had wanted Ivy to know, she would’ve come straight out with it. Ivy crossed her arms. “Sampling?” “Yeah, I’m interested in her…product. So she let me, uh, try some.” Wow, he couldn’t have sounded kinkier if he’d tried. “But it’s all over the floor on that side of the lab. Like, all over the place. It’s even on the wall. How did it get on the ceiling? You must be one sloppy eater.
  8. Richard Price – Eight year old Declan, also wearing camo from boots to forage cap, was on his knees in the living room, trying to get the pet rabbit out from under a couch with a hockey stick, the huddled, personality-less thing hissing and sneezing like a Komodo dragon.

Sample sentences:

  1. What’s this? I asked. I was hoping you could tell me, she said. It arrived a few weeks ago, left on my doorstep. At first, I thought it was some sort of gift from Malachi even though this isn’t his style. Right, agreed Adrian. Grenades, camo vests those are his usual gifts of choice.
  2. Ah, yes, pink camo, I murmur, gesturing my chin at her tank top and hoodie. Because you never know when you’ll have to hide in a bubblegum factory.
  3. The skeet tournament is a competition that I’ve entered and won every year since I was thirteen. And here’s the thing it really pisses them off. All these hunting boys and their daddies show up decked out in camo gear, determined to beat the girl who has the audacity to challenge their masculinity. And, okay, I’ll admit it I like to needle ’em just a bit. I purposely wear the girliest outfit possible little flowery sundresses with cowboy boots, most years. Drives ’em nuts. If they’re going to be beaten by a girl, they’d rather it be some tomboy wearing overalls and a flannel shirt, you know? Stupid sexist pigs.
  4. His ex-wife, Truly, whom he still occasionally visited, wore various pieces of camo, depending on daily fashion demands more at Walmart, less at Target.
  5. So that is how we came to be standing in a sparse room, in a nondescript building in the barracks at SAS HQ–just a handful out of all those who had started out so many months earlier.We shuffled around impatiently. We were ready.Ready, finally, to get badged as SAS soldiers.The colonel of the regiment walked in, dressed casually in lightweight camo trousers, shirt, beret, and blue SAS belt.He smiled at us. Well done, lads. Hard work, isn’t it? We smiled back. You should be proud today. But remember: this is only the beginning. The real hard work starts now, when you return to your squadron. Many are called, few are chosen. Live up to that. He paused. And from now on for the rest of your life remember this: you are part of the SAS family. You’ve earned that. And it is the finest family in the world. But what makes our work here extraordinary is that everyone here goes that little bit extra. When everyone else gives up, we give more. That is what sets us apart. It is a speech I have never forgotten.
  6. After she knocked, she walked into the room with confidence she didn’t feel, her head up, her spine straight, her unease camo’d by a combo of posture and professional focus. How are you this evening? she said, as she looked the patient right in the eye. The instant his amethyst stare met hers, she couldn’t have told a soul what had just come out of her mouth or whether he replied. Rehvenge, son of Rempoon, sucked the thought right out of her head, sure as if he’d drained the tank of her brain’s generator and left her with nothing to catch a mental spark off of. And then he smiled.
  7. As soon as the ambulance drove away, all of the Buck Commander guys huddled up, about fifteen grown men in camo, all hugging and praying out loud for Jep. We were all choked up and fighting back tears. We didn’t know what was going to happen to him.
  8. Ralph Lauren Watches and Jewelry Company expands the Safari watch line to include two great new chronometer Safari watches — one with Camo dial and one with Khaki- for rugged yet luxurious adventures.
  9. When Uncle Si Robertson declared on “Duck Dynasty” that “My favorite color is Camo” it spurred a line of clothing sold to the A&E show’s fans, according to a federal lawsuit filed Tuesday.
  10. Ashley James, 28, pulled off hipster-chic on Friday when she made her way to Hoxton Radio in London wearing a black crop top and a SilkFred camo bomber jacket.
  11. There’s something about camo, either in traditional green and cream or blown-out color schemes that works so well in home décor.
  12. One shows a U.S. politician wearing a suit jacket and tie, but hiding a gun and camo pants.
  13. Katya Campbell as a mother in Cal in Camo at Rattlestick Playwrights.
  14. The smartphone will be offered in a new ‘desert camo’ gold option.
  15. The rugged handset is available in Gray, Camo Blue and Camo White.
  16. Only bona fide members of the military are allowed to don camo.
  17. When you wear camo shorts, what colour t-shirt goes with that?
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About Sai Prashanth

IT professional. Love to write.