Noun: brogan
Pronunciation: (brow-gun)
Brogan meaning: A thick and heavy shoe. A coarse work shoe reaching to the ankle.
Synonyms: brogue, clodhopper, work shoe
A heavy shoe is called brogan.
Quotations: Jacqueline Woodson – At the end of the day he lights a cigarette, unlaces his dusty brogans.
Toni Morrison – King rummaged around, spitting tobacco, and came up with some mud-caked brogans.
Robert Green – No man shod in the brogans of impudence should walk into the temple of another man’s soul.
Charles Neville – He stood twisting his brogan toe in the hard-tramped dirt of the cabin yard.
Those brogans are fitting too high on the ankle and are awkward.
The shoes, when we could get them, were heavy English brogans, very hard on our feet, but durable.
The shoes were made on the place and were called red brogans.
He stood five feet six in his work-scuffed brogans, faded blue jeans and an equally faded denim work shirt.
Beside the chair was a pair of brogan shoes with gaping splits across the toes to avoid cramping his feet.
Us have home make clothes and brogan shoes, come from Austin or some place.
Every Christmas us got a set white Lowell clothes and a pair brogan shoes and they done us the whole year, or us go naked.
He is a small, muscular man, dressed in faded work clothes and heavy brogans, laced with string.
Each man in sight carried his heavy brogan shoes hung about his neck.