Sunday , 23 February 2025

Aviary meaning

Noun: aviary

Pronunciation: (‘ey-vee-u-ree)

Aviary meaning: A building where birds are kept.

Synonyms: volary, bird sanctuary

aviary meaning

Quotations: Louis M. Andres – This building is being built as a sustainable building in the spirit of Louis Bromfield. The building will use many ‘green’ environmental-friendly features from wind and solar energy, recycled building materials from rubber, glass, wood and plastic. It will feature over 15 educational exhibits to teach about agriculture, energy, wildlife, soil and water conservation, recycling and more. Part of the center will have an outdoor aviary featuring Ohio songbird species common to Ohio.

Perry Little – When stores sell these aviaries, the customers typically buy a bunch of other stuff, too. They can really load it up with toys, feeders and things like that.

Sample sentences:

  1. Our country is not an aviary.
  2. If ever there was an aviary overstocked with jays it is that Yaptown on the Hudson, called New York.
  3. I observed her as if she were a bird in an aviary. One day I turned a corner and there she was, coming right at me, the long skirt softly rustling, looking straight at me, surrounding me with those eyes.
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About Sai Prashanth

IT professional. Love to write.