Friday , 28 March 2025

Asinine meaning

Adjective: asinine


Asinine meaning:

  • Showing a lack of intelligence or thought; stupid and silly

Synonyms: fatuous, inane, gormless

Meaning of asinine


  1. Kim Harrison – It takes an incredibly strong person to walk away from someone they love, Jenks said, holding up two fingers as if making a list. Especially knowing they will do something asinine, like shopping when their blood count is so low they ought to be in the hospital. You should give her credit for respecting you like that.

Sample sentences:

  1. It was a very familiar feeling for Rimmer – the horrible slow dawning, the internal denials, the frantic mental search for someone else to blame, the gradual acceptance that, once again, he’d done something so unspeakably asinine it would live with him for the rest of his days, lurking in the horror pit of his mind along with nine or ten other monstrous ineptitudes that screamed and railed there, never allowing him to forget them.

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About Sai Prashanth

IT professional. Love to write.