Friday , 14 March 2025

Agape love meaning

Noun: agape love

Agape love meaning:

  • Selfless love of one person for another without sexual implications (especially love that is spiritual in nature)

Synonyms: agape

agape love. Selfless love of one person for another without sexual implications. agape love meaning.
Romeo and Juliet. Selfless love is portrayed in this painting.

Derived forms: agape loves

  1. Stephen Kendrick – There must be a stronger foundation than mere friendship or sexual attraction. Unconditional love, agape love, will not be swayed by time or circumstances.
  2. Max Lucado – What is this love that endures decades, passes on sleep, and resists death to give one kiss? Call it agape love, a love that bears a semblance of God’s.
  3. Jimmy Evans – God’s love is steady and relentless. It is unchanging and unconditional. It is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. God’s love is agape love, the kind of love that says, I’m going to stay true to you until the end of time, no matter what you do, no matter how I feel, no matter how strained our relationship becomes. I will never leave you nor forsake you. You are mine, and I am yours, and our relationship is an eternal one.
  4. Beth Moore – agape is a love primarily based on best interest. When Scripture speaks of God’s love for His children, it almost always refers to agape love. God’s love for us undoubtedly prioritizes what is in our best interest. While I desperately want God to be my friend and think of me as His, what I need more than anything is a courageous heavenly Father who will look after my best interests even when I’m too nearsighted to recognize them. That’s what our children need from us too. They need courageous parents who are willing to insist on their best interest even when they don’t understand. Even when our decisions won’t make us popular. What our culture refers to as tough love falls under the category of agape. Sometimes tough love is in the best interest of a terribly and repeatedly rebellious child. Our children don’t need a buddy. They need a parent. Sometimes we have to be willing to love our children more than we’re desperate for them to like us.
  5. Barbour Publishing Inc. – JANUARY 26 Praying for the Persecutor You have heard that it was said, Love your neighbor and hate your enemy. But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your Father in heaven. MATTHEW 5:43 45 NIV I can’t believe she threw me under the bus that way, Sherri told a friend at work. My boss stood up in the meeting with the president and senior leadership and told everyone how I had botched the budget presentation. The truth was Sherri had done everything correctly. She had every right to hate her boss at that moment. Instead, she prayed for her. What allowed her to pray for her boss was a love that was inhumanly possible. What situations have you been in where it would have been much easier (and perhaps more fulfilling) to lash out against someone who had wronged you? At those moments, we should ask the Holy Spirit to fill us with love so we can pray blessings over those who hate us. That is the love of Christ to love each person, not because of her actions but because of her humanity. Loving Father, please help me to pray for those who wrong me. Please fill me with Your agape love, so I can look past my personal hurt and ask for blessings. Only in this way can I truly exemplify the love You have for people. In Jesus name, I pray. Amen.
  6. Paul Silway – Everywhere you find yourself a great opportunity for you to manifest agape love and give. This must be your lifestyle everyday.
  7. Elane O’Rourke – Definition The five progressive dimensions (or stages) of the life of an apprentice are: trust in Jesus, desire to be his apprentice, obedience, inner transformation, and finally, the character and power to do the work of the kingdom. Quotes We should be aware of, roughly, five dimensions of our eternal kind of life in The Kingdom Among Us, and these dimensions more or less arrange themselves in the following progression: 1.  Confidence in and reliance upon Jesus as the Son of man, the one appointed to save us  This confidence is a reality, and it is itself a true manifestation of the life from above, not of normal human capacities 2.  But this confidence in the person of Jesus naturally leads to a desire to be his apprentice in living in and from the kingdom of God. 3.  The abundance of life realized through apprenticeship to Jesus, continuing in his word, naturally leads to obedience Love of Jesus sustains us through the course of discipline and training that makes obedience possible. Without that love, we will not stay to learn. 4.  Obedience, with the life of discipline it requires, both leads to and, then, issues from the pervasive inner transformation of the heart and soul as we admire and emulate Jesus and do whatever is necessary to learn how to obey him. 5.  Finally, there is power to work the works of the kingdom Great power requires great character if it is to be a blessing and not a curse, and that character is something we only grow toward. (DC 366-68) The various scenes and situations that Jesus discusses in his Discourse on the Hill are actually stages in a progression toward a life of agape love. They progressively presuppose that we know where our well-being really lies, that we have laid aside anger and obsessive desire, that we do not try to mislead people to get our way, and so on. Then loving and helping those who hurt us and hate us, for example, will come as a natural progression.

Sample sentences:

  1. This is the secret of life: the self lives only by dying, finds its identity (and its happiness) only by self-forgetfulness, self-giving, self-sacrifice, and agape love.
  2. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, we all have the ability to operate in God’s love in agape love. He promises to fill us with his Spirit if we ask. And when God’s Spirit fills us, his love flows through us.
  3. For we were shaped in iniquity and born in sin. So why didn’t He just choose to throw us away, as we have done with many broken or twisted things that we have created or had in our possession. We Discard them without a moment’s hesitation if they fail to meet our expectation. But God didn’t do that with us. His love would not allow it. Instead, He chose to redeem us from the enemy and our fate. He bought us back by suffering the FULL weight of our punishment. As believers, we will never know the sheer agony and pain of total abandonment by God. We will never know the feeling of His wrath and just compensation for all the sins that the world has committed AND will ever commit. To be surrounded and consumed by utter and complete darkness, with no light just beyond the horizon ever.  We will never have to experience that because Jesus did on our behalf. Remember, He was fully man. He went to that cross in faith that He would be resurrected. He took our place believing that He would be triumphant. It was by His faith in the words of His Father. So, you see, only love can do that. Only the unconditional, unfailing, unwavering agape love of God can take such a step of faith to redeem a people such as we were. When you consider the price that was paid for you; when you meditate on the miracle that was wrought in making you a NEW CREATION; is there any wonder that God says LET THE REDEEMED OF THE LORD SAY SO!
  4. Thomas Oord, in his Science of Love and elsewhere, defines or describes love as acting intentionally, in sympathetic response to others (including God), to promote overall well-being. I believe this to be one of the better efforts toward articulating agape love. Most importantly, it distinguishes love from desire, and locates it in the will, leaving room for desire and feeling to play an appropriate role in love without making them the heart of the matter.
  5. There must be a stronger foundation than mere friendship or sexual attraction. Unconditional love, agape love, will not be swayed by time or circumstance.
  6. A marriage may begin with normal, human, romantic love, but it must grow deeper into the spiritual agape love that comes only from God.
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About Sai Prashanth

IT professional. Love to write.