Friday , 14 March 2025

Aery meaning

Adjective: aery


Aery meaning:

  • Characterized by lightness and insubstantiality; as impalpable or intangible as air

Synonyms: aeriform, aerial, airy, ethereal, etherial
Noun: aery


Aery meaning:

  • The lofty nest of a bird of prey (such as a hawk or eagle)

Synonyms: eyrie, eyry

Aery. Aery meaning. The lofty nest of a bird of prey.

  • Any habitation at a high altitude

Synonyms: eyrie, eyry
Derived forms: aeriest, aeries, aerier

  1. John Donne – Our two souls therefore, which are one, Though I must go, endure not yet A breach, but an expansion, Like gold to aery thinness beat. If they be two, they are two so As stiff twin compasses are two ; Thy soul, the fix’d foot, makes no show To move, but doth, if th’ other do. And though it in the centre sit, Yet, when the other far doth roam, It leans, and hearkens after it, And grows erect, as that comes home. Such wilt thou be to me, who must, Like the other foot, obliquely run ; Thy firmness makes my circle just, And makes me end where I begun.
  2. John Milton – Execute their aery purposes.
  3. Virgil – She spoke; but the other sped lightly down the aery sky, girt about with dark whirlwind on her echoing way.
  4. Elizabeth Miller – Kenkenes from his aery watched her, noting with a softening countenance the almost maternal love that beautified her face.
  5. John Freeman – You That have with ageless anguish slowly risen From earth’s still secret prison Into the ampler prison of aery blue.
  6. George Agnew – The room shared its aery with a broad, square veranda, trellised and vine-covered.
  7. Elizabeth Miller – Only to look down on her again, unseen, from his aery in the rocks over the valley!
  8. Ezra – The lovers, now that in an aery body they must sorrow for unconsummated love, are ‘tangled up as the grass patterns are tangled.
  9. Anonymous – The invincible solids are being liquefied, and the aery nothings are being given solid habitations.
  10. Francis – I faint, I sicken, darkens all my sight, As, poised upon this unprevisioned height, I lift into its place The utmost aery traceried pinnacle.

Sample sentences:

  1. But first whom shall we send in search of this new world, whom shall we find sufficient? Who shall tempt, with wand’ring feet The dark unbottomed infinite abyss and through the palpable obscure find out his uncouth way, or spread his aery flight Up-borne with indefatigable wings over the vast abrupt, ere he arrive the happy isle?
  2. On the narrow peninsula they met hundreds of other raptors going north to their aeries, their nests and scrapes.
  3. We have no right to call in a aeries of miracles to solve difficulties of which the writer was unconscious.
  4. Here it comes flying through this aery round.
  5. The imperial eagles, gilded anew, were poised for flight back to their native aeries.
  6. The sunset begins to burn red behind Magdalen Tower, all the towers and aery pinnacles rise blue yet distinct against it.
  7. Seizing in his hand his club of heavy knotted oak, he seeks with swift pace the aery mountain steep.
  8. Also the biting ants may pursue you up to your aery perch and take small but effective bites in many itchable but unscratchable points.
  9. From his aery Kenkenes watched this particular phase of her tasks with interest.
  10. The aery of the Yosemite eagle is the most sublimely defiant of things built by bird, or beast, or man.
  11. There, huge caves, scooped in the dark base of their aery rocks, mocking its moans, respond and roar for ever.
  12. With wings folded I rest, on mine aery nest, as still as a brooding dove.
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About Sai Prashanth

IT professional. Love to write.