Thursday , 13 March 2025

Adjutant meaning

Noun: adjutant

Pronunciation: (a-ju-tunt)

Adjutant meaning:

  • (military) an officer who acts as military assistant to a more senior officer. Synonyms: aide
  • Large Indian stork with a military gait. Synonyms: adjutant bird, adjutant stork
adjutant meaning
Texas Military Forces Adjutant General

Quotations: Anton Lavey – Hitler’s greatest mistake was in, not his bringing together some of the things he tried to bring together, but by of course employing the racist concepts that he did, he lost everything. I mean, who knows but he would have won the war if he kept the people around that he considered inferior or his adjutants considered inferior.

George Pataki – During his tenure as adjutant general, he skilfully commanded the New York National Guard in the aftermath of September 11th and worked tirelessly to save New York’s military installations from the base-closing recommendations contained in the 2005 Base Realignment and Closure Commission report.

Roger Lempke – The adjutants general all agree that we need to be at 350,000 and indications are that this year we can get there again, so in our view that has to be funded up front.

Matt Blunt – It has become clear since the list was published that the Air Force abused the BRAC process by discriminating against Air National Guard Units and by making programmatic aircraft location changes not within the scope of the BRAC law, Additionally, neither I nor my Adjutant General was consulted before the 131st was included on the BRAC list, which makes the realignment of the 131st illegal.

Sample sentences:

  1. By this time he was chief of the staff of the Indian army and adjutant general.
  2. In England the second military member of the Army Council is styled adjutant-general to the forces.
  3. A visit to the Russian capital in September still further established his influence, and in 1862 he was appointed adjutant-general.
  4. He distinguished himself so much as acting adjutant that he was made lieutenant.
  5. There are also many administrative officials and boards, such as the adjutant-general, insurance commissioner, board of health, board of public grounds and buildings, commissioners of fisheries, and factory and mining inspectors.
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About Sai Prashanth

IT professional. Love to write.