Friday , 14 March 2025

Acme meaning

Noun: acme


Acme meaning:

  • The highest level or degree attainable; the highest stage of development

Synonyms: height, elevation, peak, pinnacle, summit, superlative, meridian, tiptop, top, zenith

  • The highest point (of something)

Synonyms: vertex, peak, apex

acme and acme meaning.
At the acme of the pyramid

Derived forms: acmes

  1. Sun Tzu – To win one hundred victories in one hundred battles is not the acme of skill. To subdue the enemy without fighting is the acme of skill.
  2. Thomas Hardy – In the ill-judged execution of the well-judged plan of things the call seldom produces the comer, the man to love rarely coincides with the hour for loving. Nature does not often say “See!” to her poor creature at a time when seeing can lead to happy doing; or reply “Here!” to a body’s cry of “Where?” till the hide-and-seek has become an irksome, outworn game. We may wonder whether at the acme and summit of the human progress these anachronisms will be corrected by a finer intuition, a close interaction of the social machinery than that which now jolts us round and along; but such completeness is not to be prophesied, or even conceived as possible. Enough that in the present case, as in millions, it was not the two halves of a perfect whole that confronted each other at the perfect moment; a missing counterpart wandered independently about the earth waiting in crass obtuseness till the late time came. Out of which maladroit delay sprang anxieties,disappointments, shocks, catastrophes, and passing-strange destinies.
  3. George MacDonald – I fear you will never arrive at an understanding of God so long as you cannot bring yourself to see the good that often comes as a result of pain. For there is nothing, from the lowest, weakest tone of suffering to the loftiest acme of pain, to which God does not respond. There is nothing in all the universe which does not in some way vibrate within the heart of God. No creature suffers alone; He suffers with His creatures and through it is in the process of bringing His sons and daughters through the cleansing and glorifying fires, without which the created cannot be made the very children of God, partakers of the divine nature and peace.
  4. Rudolf Steiner – The idea of the freedom of the human will has found enthusiastic supporters and stubborn opponents in plenty. There are those who, in their moral fervor, label anyone a man of limited intelligence who can deny so patent a fact as freedom. Opposed to them are others who regard it as the acme of unscientific thinking for anyone to believe that the uniformity of natural law is broken in the sphere of human action and thinking. One and the same thing is thus proclaimed, now as the most precious possession of humanity, now as its most fatal illusion.
  5. Sue Monk Kidd – The past week, Mother had denied her a pass to the market for some minor, forgettable reason, and she’d taken it hard. Her market excursions were the acme of her days, and trying to commiserate, I’d said, I’m sorry, Handful, I know how you must feel. It seemed to me I did know what it felt to have one’s liberty curtailed, but she blazed up at me. So we just the same, me and you? That’s why you the one to shit in the pot and I’m the one to empty it?
  6. Mark Twain – If we hadn’t our bewitching autumn foliage, we should still have to credit the weather with one feature which compensates for all its bullying vagaries-the ice storm: when a leafless tree is clothed with ice from the bottom to the top ice that is as bright and clear as crystal; when every bough and twig is strung with ice-beads, frozen dew-drops, and the whole tree sparkles cold and white, like the Shah of Persia’s diamond plume. Then the wind waves the branches and the sun comes out and turns all those myriads of beads and drops to prisms that glow and burn and flash with all manner of colored fires, which change and change again with inconceivable rapidity from blue to red, from red to green, and green to gold-the tree becomes a spraying fountain, a very explosion of dazzling jewels; and it stands there the acme, the climax, the supremest possibility in art or nature, of bewildering, intoxicating, intolerable magnificence. One cannot make the words too strong.
  7. Sun Tzu – Neither is it the acme of excellence if you fight and conquer and the whole Empire says, Well done!
  8. Henri Focillon – Classicism, a brief, perfectly balanced instant of complete possession of forms; not a slow and monotonous application of rules, but a pure, quick delight, like the acme of the Greeks, so delicate that the pointer of the scale scarcely trembles
  9. James Allen – The price of life is effort; the acme of effort is accomplishment; the reward of accomplishment is joy.
  10. Jack Canfield – brothers in tow at five in the evening (my curfew was six o’clock and my parents were disinclined to relax it this once even if I strongly felt it was the acme of my social life) and took a seat at the best table in the thoroughly empty restaurant that was just setting up for the evening crowd. I would like to express here, my intense love for my brothers. I like to rightly give them a great deal of grief for the many horrors they perpetrated against my childhood dignity, but I’ll hand them one thing they never laughed in my face when I made a fool of myself. They’d always wait until they’d made a fool of me so it didn’t hurt my feelings, only my ego. There can’t be a lot of teenagers/twenty-somethings who would willingly indulge their pesky little sister’s nutty desires when they have a good idea of the horrors in store for them. Like Chinese food at five in the evening. Make that: Chinese food they absolutely did not want at five in the evening.

Sample sentences:

  1. Madness is the acme of intelligence.
  2. In an initial period, Photography, in order to surprise, photographs the notable; but soon, by a familiar reversal, it decrees notable whatever it photographs. The ‘anything whatever’ then becomes the sophisticated acme of value.
  3. No subject is more touched on than love, in the human life stories as well as in the literary corpus they have left us. No subject, either, is as discussed, as controversial, especially during the final period of human history, when the cyclothymic fluctuations concerning the belief in love became constant and dizzying. In conclusion, no subject seems to have preoccupied man as much; even money, even the satisfaction derived from combat and glory, loses by comparison, its dramatic power in human life stories. Love seems to have been, for humans of the final period, the acme and the impossible, the regret and the grace, the focal point upon which all suffering and joy could be concentrated.
  4. Far from being the acme of religion let alone its telic blossoming God is the principle of its suppression. The unity of theos is the tombstone of sacred zero, the crumbling granitic foundation of secular destitution.
  5. The suspicion that a rival is loved is painful enough already, but to have the love that he inspires in her confessed to one in detail by the woman whom one adores is without doubt the acme of suffering.
  6. The acme of futility was to regret a pleasure that was past, and he had no intention of doing so.
  7. We stop at nothing, in offering a quality selection of your pet’s everyday needs. Our Fast and Free India wide shipping service extends to +6500 pin codes covering small towns and metros across the country. We bundle up Easy Payment options on most popular pet brands in India with an selection of 3000+ products from all popular brands in dog, cat and fish supplies available in the Indian Pet Care Industry and then some. Our customer service team is a zealous lot to ensure an acme online shopping experience for the pet parents who shop with us.
  8. I went over to where Ted was leaning against the green cinder block wall. He was sitting with his legs splayed out below the bulletin board, which was full of notices from the Mathematical Society of America, which nobody ever read, Peanuts comic strips (the acme of humor, in the late Mrs. Underwood’s estimation), and a poster showing Bertrand Russell and a quote: Gravity alone proves the existence of God. But any undergraduate in creation could have told Bertrand that it has been conclusively proved that there is no gravity; the earth just sucks.
  9. The City was the acme of efficiency, but it made demands of its inhabitants. It asked them to live in a tight routine and order their lives under a strict and scientific control.
  10. We were always loyal to lost causes, the professor said. Success for us is the death of the intellect and of the imagination. We were never loyal to the successful. We serve them. I teach the blatant Latin language. I speak the tongue of a race the acme of whose mentality is the maxim: time is money. Material domination.
  11. This, Herb said, is the acme. The absolute acme. Why don’t we just pull up to him and ask where he’s going?
  12. For to win one hundred victories in one hundred battles is not the acme of skill. To subdue the enemy without fighting is the acme of skill.
  13. To completely analyse what we do when we read would almost be the acme of the psychologist’s achievements, for it would be to describe very many of the most intricate workings of the human mind.
  14. For to win one hundred victories in one hundred battles is not the acme of skill. To subdue the enemy without fighting is the acme of skill.
  15. Love as acme of living and dying.
  16. And here we determine the acme i.e. perfect state, of the nations, which is enjoyed when the sciences, disciplines and arts, all of which draw their being from religion and the law, are in service to religion and the law. Hence when the nations conduct themselves in a different way, as they would with the Epicureans and Stoics, or with indifference to it, as with the skeptics, or contrary to it, as with the atheists, they proceed to their downfall, losing their own dominant religions and, with them, their own laws. And because they do not value their own religions and laws as being worthy of defence, they proceed to lose also their own arms and languages and, with the loss of these properties, the further property of retaining their own names within those of other dominant nations. Hence, having proved that their nature is such that they are incapable of governing themselves, they lose their own governments. Thus, in accordance with the eternal law of Providence, the natural law of the heroic gents, in which there is no equality of justice between the weak and the strong, recurs.
  17. Of the three Wright homes clustered within miles of one another, the Duncan House, in Acme, is the only one you can sleep in.
  18. I just spent a day working with Bob, the Chief Innovation Officer of a very smart large company I’ll call Acme Widgets.
  19. Simon Topman of acme whistles is concerned about higher tariffs and a changing European attitude towards the UK.
  20. Along with groovy decor and a buzzy location, the Acme has all the accouterments for the modern urban hipster.
  21. At acme gallery, the repeated format for “Knock Knock” is straightforward.
  22. We, ACME Ltd., hereby announce that we will resist with all our strength this hostile takeover.
  23. The detention of Nicolas Sarkozy is a new low for an office created by Charles de Gaulle as the acme of political power and the embodiment of French glory.
  24. To see victory only when it is within the ken of the common herd is not the acme of excellence.
  25. When he was at the acme of his career, a scandal brought about his downfall.
  26. Actually his work has reached the acme of perfection.
  27. Her landscapes were deemed the acme of beauty.
  28. The artist’s gifts are at their acme.
  29. There was a flower at the acme of the pyramid.
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About Sai Prashanth

IT professional. Love to write.