Thursday , 13 March 2025

Accord and satisfaction meaning

Noun: accord and satisfaction

Accord and satisfaction meaning:

  • The settlement of a debt by paying less than the amount demanded in exchange for extinguishing the debt


  1. Johann Sebastian Bach – If I decide to be an idiot, then I’ll be an idiot on my own accord.
  2. William Howard Taft – Failure to accord credit to anyone for what he may have done is a great weakness in any man.
  3. Earl Nightingale – All you have to do is know where you’re going. The answers will come to you of their own accord.
  4. Socrates – Ordinary people seem not to realize that those who really apply themselves in the right way to philosophy are directly and of their own accord preparing themselves for dying and death.

Sample sentences:

  1. Always think of what is useful and not what is beautiful. Beauty will come of its own accord.
  2. The United States is in a time of transition. Courts have redefined marriage, and beliefs about human sexuality are changing. Will the right to dissent be protected? Will the right of Americans to speak and act in accord with what the United States had always believed about marriage – that it’s a union of husband and wife – be tolerated?
  3. The right of revolution, which tyrants, in mockery, accord to mankind, is no legal right under a government; it is only a natural right to overturn a government.
  4. Global warming is a fact. Now it’s up to liberals to make it a reality. Hence there is crucial importance in preventing powerful, greedy free market forces from getting in the way of worsening storms and rising sea levels. The Kyoto Accord is a good first step.
  5. Thanksgiving is a season that is very much in accord with the themes and teachings of Jesus Christ.
  6. We each have a sixth sense that is attuned to the oneness dimension in life, providing a means for us to guide our lives in accord with our ideas.
  7. Public notice does not necessarily accord with internal fulfilment.
  8. To act wisely when the time for action comes, to wait patiently when it is time for repose, put man in accord with the tides. Ignorance of this law results in periods of unreasoning enthusiasm on the one hand, and depression on the other.
  9. Such an emphasis on the immanence of God as Creator in, with, and under the natural processes of the world unveiled by the sciences is certainly in accord with all that the sciences have revealed since those debates of the nineteenth century.
  10. Command that in no way there be in your household any who make strife, discord or divisions in the hostel, but all shall be of one accord, of one will as of one heart and one soul.
  11. The theory of rights enables us to rise and overthrow obstacles, but not to found a strong and lasting accord between all the elements which compose the nation.
  12. The material came bubbling up inside like a geyser or an oil gusher. It streamed up of its own accord, down my arm and out of my fountain pen in a torrent of six thousand words a day.
  13. The spirited horse, which will try to win the race of its own accord, will run even faster if encouraged.
  14. When we look back, the only things we cherish are those which in some way met our original want; the desire which formed in us in early youth, not directed, and of its own accord.
  15. Non-citizen terrorist suspects are not members of the American national community, and they have no proper claim on the rights Americans accord one another.
  16. The highest purpose is to have no purpose at all. This puts one in accord with nature, in her manner of operation.
  17. There are two distinct classes of what are called thoughts: those that we produce in ourselves by reflection and the act of thinking and those that bolt into the mind of their own accord.
  18. A man should not strive to eliminate his complexes but to get into accord with them: they are legitimately what directs his conduct in the world.
  19. I will not attack your doctrines nor your creeds if they accord liberty to me. If they hold thought to be dangerous – if they aver that doubt is a crime, then I attack them one and all, because they enslave the minds of men.
  20. Interethnic and spiritual accord is our strategic resource, the basis for progress of our society and state.
  21. Celibacy is not a matter of compulsion. Someone is accepted as a priest only when he does it of his own accord.
  22. The movements which I make I cannot possibly repress because, at the time, I am actually the idea I am interpreting, and naturally I picture my players and auditors as in accord with me. I know, of course, that my mannerisms have been widely discussed.
  23. I do believe that there are some universal cognitive tasks that are deep and profound – indeed, so deep and profound that it is worthwhile to understand them in order to design our displays in accord with those tasks.
  24. I did not destroy the 43 volumes of my diary, which report on all these events and the share I had in them; but of my own accord I handed them voluntarily to the officers of the American Army who arrested me.
  25. What makes you a Christian is whether or not you really are in accord with biblical theology and whether you know Jesus Christ as your Saviour.
  26. In recent years personal injury attorneys and trial lawyers have attacked the food industry with numerous lawsuits alleging that these businesses should pay monetary damages to those who, of their own accord, consume too much of a legal, safe product.
  27. A formally recognized equality does, however, accord the smaller nations a position which they should be able to use increasingly in the interest of humanity as a whole and in the service of the ideal.
  28. For what the lover would, that would the beloved; what she would ask of him that should he go before to grant. Without accord such as this, love is but a bond and a constraint.
  29. When you drive your car, E = mc2 is at work. As the engine burns gasoline to produce energy in the form of motion, it does so by converting some of the gasoline’s mass into energy, in accord with Einstein’s formula.
  30. Whether or not you believe that after three days of being dead and entombed, Jesus got up and walked out of his own accord, what you cannot argue about is the fervent belief of the followers that this happened.
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About Sai Prashanth

IT professional. Love to write.