Thursday , 13 March 2025

Accomplished fact meaning

Noun: accomplished fact

Pronunciation:(u’kúm-plisht fakt)

Accomplished fact meaning:

  • An irreversible accomplishment

Synonyms: fait accompli
Derived forms: accomplished facts

  1. Fyodor Dostoyevsky – Sometimes you dream strange dreams, impossible and unnatural; you wake up and remember them clearly, and are surprised at a strange fact: you remember first of all that reason did not abandon you during the whole course of your dream; you even remember that you acted extremely cleverly and logically for that whole long, long time when you were surrounded by murderers, when they were being clever with you, concealed their intentions, treated you in a friendly way, though they already had their weapons ready and were only waiting for some sort of sign; you remember how cleverly you finally deceived them, hid from them; then you realize that they know your whole deception by heart and merely do not show you that they know where you are hiding; but you are clever and deceive them again—all that you remember clearly. But why at the same time could your reason be reconciled with such obvious absurdities and impossibilities, with which, among other things, your dream was filled? Before your eyes, one of your murderers turned into a woman, and from a woman into a clever, nasty little dwarf—and all that you allowed at once, as an accomplished fact, almost without the least perplexity, and precisely at the moment when, on the other hand, your reason was strained to the utmost, displaying extraordinary force, cleverness, keenness, logic? Why, also, on awakening from your dream and entering fully into reality, do you feel almost every time, and occasionally with an extraordinary force of impressions, that along with the dream you are leaving behind something you have failed to fathom? You smile at the absurdity of your dream and feel at the same time that the tissue of those absurdities contains some thought, but a thought that is real, something that belongs to your true life, something that exists and has always existed in your heart; it is as if your dream has told you something new, prophetic, awaited; your impression is strong, it is joyful or tormenting, but what it is and what has been told you—all that you can neither comprehend nor recall.

Sample sentences:

  1. And we are fully entitled to hope that within a few years our goal will have been fully attained. The international language will be an accomplished fact throughout the world and the beautiful millennial dream of mankind will have been realized.
  2. The division of Germany was considered an accomplished fact until 1990.
  3. This, when an accomplished fact, will make a great difference in the export and import trade of the city.
  4. The other members of the company were scattered in various directions, but some of them remained till American occupancy became an accomplished fact.
  5. Grant this premiss, and what follows, or something better, may easily be rendered an accomplished fact.
  6. The confiscation of those rents was soon to be an accomplished fact; but it was a king rather than a commonweal that reaped the benefit.
  7. We forget that the impossible of yesterday is the accomplished fact of today.
  8. Everything is done under cover and we are brought to discuss only accomplished facts.
  9. Still, throughout this plan of salvation, every incident and accomplished fact are strictly rational.
  10. Though so late, the citizens were not in bed, but standing at their doors and windows discoursing of that which was now an accomplished fact.
  11. At first sight this seems an impossibility, but nevertheless it is an accomplished fact.
  12. The Irish parliament had passed from existence, and the hated union with England had become an accomplished fact.
  13. Science, studying only accomplished facts, never establishes anything but phenomena and their antecedent or concomitant conditions.
  14. Science, studying only accomplished facts, never establishes anything but phenomena and their antecedent or concomitant conditions.
  15. The separation would thus be an accomplished fact before the entrance of a new government.
  16. This was now recognized by the President as an accomplished fact.
  17. That in their eyes is already an accomplished fact.
  18. I think he might have stood upon the accomplished fact.
  19. No resistance was offered, and when the Emperor reached the city at three o’clock in the afternoon the revolution was an accomplished fact.
  20. The death of Christ needed to be an accomplished fact ere the Church, properly so called, could be called out.
  21. If ever complete Imperial Federation becomes an accomplished fact, how will it be organized?
  22. They are unconscious of it, but its accomplished facts affect them still and shape the course of their existence.
  23. The Spanish alliance, so much dreaded by the patriotic faction of England, was all but an accomplished fact.
  24. Realizing that the raid was now an accomplished fact, Norton waited to see what the young fools were going to do.
  25. But when it was an accomplished fact, he wrote sadly to his son, who was then a student in a foreign land.
  26. How far, then, must the social differentiation have gone to warrant the assertion that the second prerequisite is an accomplished fact?
  27. He broke down and trembled violently, not from conscience, but from a realization of the fact that his escape was now an accomplished fact.
  28. Henceforth the union between the internationalists and the republican bourgeois was an accomplished fact.
  29. The negro ceased to be a ward of the Nation and the Union of States our fathers dreamed was at last an accomplished fact.
  30. His return to the locality, in some good missionary sense, is much to be wished; and after a time, will probably be an accomplished fact.
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About Sai Prashanth

IT professional. Love to write.