Thursday , 13 March 2025

Acclivity meaning

Noun: acclivity

Pronunciation: (u’kli-vu-tee)

Acclivity meaning: An upward slope (as of a hill).

Synonyms: ascent, rise, upgrade, uphill, climb.

acclivity meaning and acclivity is an upward slope

Derived forms: acclivities

Quotations: Agnes Grey – When we had surmounted the acclivity, I was about to withdraw my arm from his, but by a slight tightening of the elbow was tacitly informed that such was not his will, and accordingly desisted.

Sample sentences:

  1. It was difficult to build a house on the acclivity.
  2. The bus couldn’t make it up the acclivity.
  3. We have scrambled up the acclivity to view the beautiful scenery of setting sun.
  4. I always fear a steep acclivity while driving my vehicle.
  5. We struggled to move up the slippery acclivity near the mountain ranges.
  6. The lake slows slightly as it ascends the mountain’s northern acclivity.
  7. That beautiful town is located on the acclivity of a hill. I would love to stay there for longer.
  8. When parts of a field are flat, and other parts have a considerable acclivity, it is expedient to cut a receiving drain near to the bottom of the slopes, and to give the flat ground an independent set of drains.
  9. The acclivity was so gradual that the horses easily moved up.
  10. He found a coin upon an acclivity.
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About Sai Prashanth

IT professional. Love to write.