Noun: acclivity
Pronunciation: (u’kli-vu-tee)
Acclivity meaning: An upward slope (as of a hill).
Synonyms: ascent, rise, upgrade, uphill, climb.

Derived forms: acclivities
Quotations: Agnes Grey – When we had surmounted the acclivity, I was about to withdraw my arm from his, but by a slight tightening of the elbow was tacitly informed that such was not his will, and accordingly desisted.
Sample sentences:
- It was difficult to build a house on the acclivity.
- The bus couldn’t make it up the acclivity.
- We have scrambled up the acclivity to view the beautiful scenery of setting sun.
- I always fear a steep acclivity while driving my vehicle.
- We struggled to move up the slippery acclivity near the mountain ranges.
- The lake slows slightly as it ascends the mountain’s northern acclivity.
- That beautiful town is located on the acclivity of a hill. I would love to stay there for longer.
- When parts of a field are flat, and other parts have a considerable acclivity, it is expedient to cut a receiving drain near to the bottom of the slopes, and to give the flat ground an independent set of drains.
- The acclivity was so gradual that the horses easily moved up.
- He found a coin upon an acclivity.