Friday , 14 March 2025

Abusive meaning

Adjective: abusive

Pronunciation: (u’byoo-siv)

Abusive meaning:

  • Improper usage of language (harsh).
  • Involving in violence and cruelty.

Synonyms: opprobrious, contumelious, offensive, invective.

abusive meaning and abusive. involving in violence.

Quotations: Mario Gonzalez- She started to receive abusive phone calls from angry citizens who accused her of embalming her daughter.

Doug Bunnell- The eating disorder is a very jealous and abusive partner. It requires a lot of devotion in the extent that you have to devote yourself to tending to the anorexia. There’s not a lot of time left over for adult life.

Jane Austen- One may be continually abusive without saying anything just; but one cannot be always laughing at a man without now and then stumbling on something witty.

Diane Balkin – The earlier we intervene, the better off the community is and the abusive individual. The way we break this cycle is education, intervention and collaboration.

Potter Stewart – Newspapers, television networks, and magazines have sometimes been outrageously abusive, untruthful, arrogant, and hypocritical. But it hardly follows that elimination of a strong and independent press is the way to eliminate abusiveness.

Jimmie Johnson – We were competitive at one point, I just feel like the car was abusive and we were wearing the right rear out. And then again, the track changed some more, or something changed and got away from us and we couldn’t keep up with it.

Sample sentences:

  1. Some people can be abusive.
  2. We should exit from an abusive relationship.
  3. This GAO report confirms my long-held suspicions: more can be done and more should be done to protect American investors. We need to ensure that the SEC’s oversight of the mutual fund industry is adequate to protect consumers’ investments and prevent abusive practices from developing again in the future.
  4. We’re going to down and around to some places where prominent abusive priests worked.
  5. I was having a real tough time in my personal life. I had been involved in an abusive relationship were I was beaten almost nearly to death. I came to a fork in the road in my life were I could go down the path of destruction or salvation. And by the grace of God boxing came into my life.
  6. The first man to use abusive language instead of his fists was the founder of civilization.
  7. She had him sign a prenuptial agreement when she knew he was mentally incompetent. It’s sad and it’s abusive. Money motivates a lot of people.
  8. Social change is a messy process. We need more men with the guts to stand up and say abusive behavior is abusive behavior, and it’s not right, and it doesn’t make me less of a man to point that out.
  9. But it is right also that people should be responsible about not being abusive through drink on buses and other places. That is the balance of rights and responsibilities.
  10. Yes, a little bit because you really have to recognize when you are being abusive to the car and as a result to the tires.
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About Sai Prashanth

IT professional. Love to write.