Tuesday , 1 April 2025

Wobbly meaning

Adjective: wobbly


Wobbly meaning:

  • Inclined to shake as from weakness or defect

Synonyms: rickety, shaky, wonky
Noun: Wobbly

Wobbly meaning:

  • A member of the Industrial Workers of the World

Derived forms: Wobblies, wobblier, wobbliest

  1. Steven Moffat – People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect, but *actually* from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint – it’s more like a big ball of wibbly wobbly time-y wimey stuff.
  2. Kristen Ashley – Oh,” I whispered.”I’m not even close.””To what?””The heart of you. You run so deep, I’ll never get there.”God.”Lookin’ forward to a lifetime of diggin’, babe.”God!”Now you’re being sweet,” I accused, my voice wobbly.”Used to it yet?””No.””You got a lifetime to get there too.”Seriously.I could take no more.”Shut up.””I will, you kiss me.””Rush and/or Tabby might be here any minute.””I didn’t tell you to go down on me.
  3. Julian Barnes – I remember a period in late adolescence when my mind would make itself drunk with images of adventurousness. This is how it will be when I grow up. I shall go there, do this, discover that, love her, and then her and her and her. I shall live as people in novels live and have lived. Which ones I was not sure, only that passion and danger, ecstasy and despair (but then more ecstasy) would be in attendance. However…who said that thing about “the littleness of life that art exaggerates”? There was a moment in my late twenties when I admitted that my adventurousness had long since petered out. I would never do those things adolescence had dreamt about. Instead, I mowed my lawn, I took holidays, I had my life.But time…how time first grounds us and then confounds us. We thought we were being mature when we were only being safe. We imagined we were being responsible but we were only being cowardly. What we called realism turned out to be a way of avoiding things rather than facing them. Time…give us enough time and our best-supported decisions will seem wobbly, our certainties whimsical.
  4. David Tennant – Actually, from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint, its more like a big ball of wobbly wobbly timey wimey…stuff.
  5. Kelley Armstrong – Finally, I sat up. “So, I suppose you should do something, wolfie. Hunt maybe?”A grunt, the tone saying no.”Run? Get some exercise?”Another grunt, less decisive, more like a maybe.He pushed to his feet, wobbly, still adjusting to his new center of gravity. He gingerly moved one fore paw, then the next, one rear paw, then the other. He picked up the pace, but still slow as he circled the clearing. A snort, like he’d figured it out, and broke into a lope, stumbled and plowed muzzle first into the undergrowth.I stifled a laugh, but not very well, and he glowered at me.”Forget running, a nice, leisurely stroll might be more your speed.”He snorted and turned fast. When I fell back, he gave a growling chuckle. “Still cant resist throwing your weight around, can you?
  6. Elizabeth Berg – We ate, we slept, we formed our kaleidoscopic relationships and marched ever forward. We licked chocolate from our fingers. We arranged flowers in vases. We inspected our backsides when we tried on new clothes. We gave ourselves over to art. We elected officials and complained. We stood up for home runs. We marked life passages in ceremonies we attended with impatience and pride. We reached out for new love when what we had died, confessing our unworthiness, confessing our great need. We felt at times that perhaps we really were visitors from another planet. We occasionally wondered if it was true that each of us was making everything up. But this was a wobbly saucer; this was thinking we could not endure; we went back to our elegant denial of unbreachable isolation, to refusing the lesson of being born alone and dying that way, too. We went back to loving, to eating, to sleeping, to marching and marching and marching along.
  7. Marisha Pessl – Smoke was a person with a sense of history. Do you know what I mean?” …in truth, I DID know what she meant. Da Vinci, Martin Luther King, Jr., Genghis Kahn, Abraham Lincoln, Bette Davis – if you read their definitive biographies, you learned even when they were a month old, cooing in some wobbly crib in the middle of nowhere, they already had something historic about them. The way other kids had baseball, long division, Hot Wheels, and hula hoops, these kids had History and thus tended to be prone to colds, unpopular, sometimes plagued with a physical deformity (Lord Byron’s clubfoot, Maugham’s severe stutter, for example), which pushed them into exile in their heads. It was there they began to dream of human anatomy, civil rights, conquering Asia, a lost speech and being (within a span of four years) a jezebel, a marked woman, a little fox and an old maid.
  8. Julian Barnes – How time first grounds us and then confounds us….give us enough time and our best-supported decisions will seem wobbly, our certainties whimsical.
  9. Tessa Dare – It was a sense of privilege and mute wonder, as though he’d witnessed one of those small, everyday miracles of spring. Like a licked-clean foal taking its first steps on wobbly legs. Or a new butterfly pushing scrunched, damp wings from a chrysalis.
  10. Ron Rash – I don’t even have a choice. Rachel thought how that was pretty much true of everything now, that you got one choice at the beginning but if you didn’t choose right, and she hadn’t, things got narrow real quick. Like trying to wade a river, she thought. You take a wrong step and set your foot on a wobbly rock or in a drop-off and you’re swept away, and all you can do then is try to survive. (83)

Sample sentences:

  1. Babies are soft. Anyone looking at them can see the tender, fragile skin and know it for the rose-leaf softness that invites a finger’s touch. But when you live with them and love them, you feel the softness going inward, the round-cheeked flesh wobbly as custard, the boneless splay of the tiny hands. Their joints are melted rubber, and even when you kiss them hard, in the passion of loving their existence, your lips sink down and seem never to find bone. Holding them against you, they melt and mold, as though they might at any moment flow back into your body.But from the very start, there is that small streak of steel within each child. That thing that says “I am,” and forms the core of personality.In the second year, the bone hardens and the child stands upright, skull wide and solid, a helmet protecting the softness within. And “I am” grows, too. Looking at them, you can almost see it, sturdy as heartwood, glowing through the translucent flesh.The bones of the face emerge at six, and the soul within is fixed at seven. The process of encapsulation goes on, to reach its peak in the glossy shell of adolescence, when all softness then is hidden under the nacreous layers of the multiple new personalities that teenagers try on to guard themselves.In the next years, the hardening spreads from the center, as one finds and fixes the facets of the soul, until “I am” is set, delicate and detailed as an insect in amber.
  2. Do you understand the plan?”They all stared for a few silent moments. Then Simon pointed. “What’s that wobbly thing?” he said. “Is it a tree?”“Those are the gates,” Jace said.“Ohh,” said Isabelle, pleased. “So what are the swirly bits? Is there a moat?“Those are trajectory lines – Honestly, am I the only person who’s ever seen a strategy map?”, Jace demanded, throwing his stele down and raking his hand through his blond hair. “Do you understand anything I just said.”“No,” Clary said. “Your strategy is probably awesome, but your drawing skills are terrible; all the Endarkened look like trees, and the fortress looks like a frog.
  3. I was on a mission. I had to learn to comfort myself, to see what others saw in me and believe it. I needed to discover what the hell made me happy other than being in love. Mission impossible. When did figuring out what makes you happy become work? How had I let myself get to this point, where I had to learn me..? It was embarrassing. In my college psychology class, I had studied theories of adult development and learned that our twenties are for experimenting, exploring different jobs, and discovering what fulfills us. My professor warned against graduate school, asserting, “You’re not fully formed yet. You don’t know if it’s what you really want to do with your life because you haven’t tried enough things.” Oh, no, not me..” And if you rush into something you’re unsure about, you might awake midlife with a crisis on your hands,” he had lectured it. Hi. Try waking up a whole lot sooner with a pre-thirty predicament worm dangling from your early bird mouth. “Well to begin,” Phone Therapist responded, “you have to learn to take care of yourself. To nurture and comfort that little girl inside you, to realize you are quite capable of relying on yourself. I want you to try to remember what brought you comfort when you were younger.” Bowls of cereal after school, coated in a pool of orange-blossom honey. Dragging my finger along the edge of a plate of mashed potatoes. I knew I should have thought “tea” or “bath,” but I didn’t. Did she want me to answer aloud? “Grilled cheese?” I said hesitantly. “Okay, good. What else?” I thought of marionette shows where I’d held my mother’s hand and looked at her after a funny part to see if she was delighted, of brisket sandwiches with ketchup, like my dad ordered. Sliding barn doors, baskets of brown eggs, steamed windows, doubled socks, cupcake paper, and rolled sweater collars. Cookouts where the fathers handled the meat, licking wobbly batter off wire beaters, Christmas ornaments in their boxes, peanut butter on apple slices, the sounds and light beneath an overturned canoe, the pine needle path to the ocean near my mother’s house, the crunch of snow beneath my red winter boots, bedtime stories. “My parents,” I said. Damn. I felt like she made me say the secret word and just won extra points on the Psychology Game Network. It always comes down to our parents in therapy.
  4. Well, you’ve got the growling part down pat already. Probaly all those years of practice.”He began to rise, his legs wobbly.”All right, I’m coming back. I just didn’t want to be in your way.”A grunt. Your not. Or that’s what I hoped he meant.”You can understand me, can’t you?” I said as I returned to sit on his discarded sweatshirt. “You know what I’m saying.”He tried to nod, then snarled at the awkwardness of it.”Not easy when you can’t talk, is it?” I grinned. “Well, not easy for you. I could get used to it.”He grumbled, but I could see the relief in his eyes, like he was glad to see me smile.”So I was right, wasn’t I? It’s still you even if wolf form.”He grunted.”No sudden urges to go kill something?”He rolled his eyes.”Hey, you’re the one who was worried.” I paused. “And I don’t smell like dinner, right?”I got a real good look for that one.”Just covering my bases.
  5. Man’s wobbly little mind isn’t equipped for hauling around the great unknowns.Very few people realize, there’s no point chasing after answers to life’s important questions. They all have fickle, highly whimsical minds of their own.Nevertheless. If you’re patient, if you don’t rush them, when they’re ready, they’ll smash into you. And don’t be surprised if afterward you’re speechless and there are cartoon Tweety Birds chirping around your head.
  6. Or maybe a person is just made up of a lot of people,” I say. “Maybe we’re accumulating these new selves all the time.” Hauling them in as we make choices, good and bad, as we screw up, step up, lose our minds, find our minds, fall apart, fall in love, as we grieve, grow, retreat from the world, dive into the world, as we make things, as we break things. He grins. “Each new self standing on the last one’s shoulders until we’re these wobbly people poles?” I die of delight. “Yes, exactly! We’re all just wobbly people poles!
  7. Quantum physicists discovered that physical atoms are made up of vortices of energy that are constantly spinning and vibrating; each atom is like a wobbly spinning top that radiates energy. Because each atom has its own specific energy signature (wobble), assemblies of atoms (molecules) collectively radiate their own identifying energy patterns. So every material structure in the universe, including you and me, radiates a unique energy signature. If it were theoretically possible to observe the composition of an actual atom with a microscope, what would we see? Imagine a swirling dust devil cutting across the desert’s floor. Now remove the sand and dirt from the funnel cloud. What you have left is an invisible, tornado-like vortex. A number of infinitesimally small, dust devil–like energy vortices called quarks and photons collectively make up the structure of the atom. From far away, the atom would likely appear as a blurry sphere. As its structure came nearer to focus, the atom would become less clear and less distinct. As the surface of the atom drew near, it would disappear. You would see nothing. In fact, as you focused through the entire structure of the atom, all you would observe is a physical void. The atom has no physical structure—the emperor has no clothes! Remember the atomic models you studied in school, the ones with marbles and ball bearings going around like the solar system? Let’s put that picture beside the “physical” structure of the atom discovered by quantum physicists. No, there has not been a printing mistake; atoms are made out of invisible energy not tangible matter! So in our world, material substance (matter) appears out of thin air. Kind of weird, when you think about it. Here you are holding this physical book in your hands. Yet if you were to focus on the book’s material substance with an atomic microscope, you would see that you are holding nothing. As it turns out, we undergraduate biology majors were right about one thing—the quantum universe is mind-bending. Let’s look more closely at the “now you see it, now you don’t” nature of quantum physics. Matter can simultaneously be defined as a solid (particle) and as an immaterial force field (wave). When scientists study the physical properties of atoms, such as mass and weight, they look and act like physical matter. However, when the same atoms are described in terms of voltage potentials and wavelengths, they exhibit the qualities and properties of energy (waves). (Hackermüller, et al, 2003; Chapman, et al, 1995; Pool 1995) The fact that energy and matter are one and the same is precisely what Einstein recognized when he concluded that E = mc2. Simply stated, this equation reveals that energy (E) = matter (m, mass) multiplied by the speed of light squared (c2). Einstein revealed that we do not live in a universe with discrete, physical objects separated by dead space. The Universe is one indivisible, dynamic whole in which energy and matter are so deeply entangled it is impossible to consider them as independent elements.
  8. Cassius couldn’t take any more. “Okay, that’s enough. We’re done here.” His heart hammered, his palms were sweating, and his knees felt wobbly. “We’ve changed our minds. Just put it back.
  9. People assume time is a strict progression of cause to effect, but actually, from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint, it’s more like a big ball of wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff
  10. I rolled my eyes. “For defending my honor, you dullard.”He yanked me beneath a shadowed awning. I had a moment’s panic when I thought he’d spotted trouble, but then his arms were around me and his lips were pressed to mine.When he finally drew back, my cheeks were warm and my legs had gone wobbly.”Just to be clear,” he said, “I’m not really interested in defending your honor.””Understood,” I managed, hoping I didn’t sound too ridiculously breathless.
  11. Click.The salamander flared, etching the room with searing white light and dark shadows. Otto screamed. He fell to the floor, clutching at his throat. He sprang to his feet, goggle-eyed and gasping, and staggered, knock-kneed and wobbly-legged, the length of the room and back again. He sank down behind a desk , scattering paperwork with a wildly flailing hand.”Aarghaarghaaaargh…”There was a shocked silence.Otto stood up, adjusted his cravat, and dusted himself off. Only then did he look up at the row of shocked faces.”Vel?” he said sternly. “Vat are you all looking at? It is just a normal reaction, zat is all. I am vorking on it. Light in all its forms is mine passion. Light is my canvas, shadows are my brush.”But strong light hurts you!” said Sacharissa. “It hurts vampires!””Yes. It iss a bit of a bugger, but zere you go.
  12. Thanks,” I mumbled as we crossed the square, heading toward our boardinghouse.”For what?”I rolled my eyes. “For defending my honor, you dullard.”He yanked me beneath a shadowed awning. I had a moment’s panic when I thought he’d spotted trouble, but then his arms were around me and his lips were on mine.When he finally drew back, my cheeks were warm and my legs had gone wobbly.”Just to be clear,” he said, “I’m not really interested in defending your honor.””Understood,” I managed, hoping I didn’t sound too ridiculously breathless.
  13. Time…give us enough time and our best-supported decisions will seem wobbly, our certainties whimsical.
  14. We must all allow ourselves the fantasy of projection from time to time, a chance to clothe ourselves in the imaginary gowns and tails of what has never been and never will be. This gives some polish to our tarnished lives, and sometimes we may choose one dream over another, and in the choosing find some respite from ordinary sadness. After all, we, none of us, can ever untangle the knot of fictions that make up that wobbly thing we call a self.
  15. Striding up to him, Wilhelm drew his fist back and landed a clean blow to Rupert’s jaw. Rupert reeled, and after two wobbly backward steps, hit the floor on his backside. He raised a hand to his face. “Feel better?” “No. Get up so I can hit you again.
  16. The Place Faidherbe had the characteristic atmosphere, the overdone décor, the floral and verbal excess, of a subprefecture in southern France gone mad. The ten cars left the Place Faidherbe only to come back five minutes later, having once more completed the same circuit with their cargo of anemic Europeans, dressed in unbleached linen, fragile creatures as wobbly as melting sherbet. For weeks and years these colonials passed the same forms and faces until they were so sick of hating them that they didn’t even look at one another. The officers now and then would take their families out for a walk, paying close attention to military salutes and civilian greetings, the wives swaddled in their special sanitary napkins, the children, unbearably plump European maggots, wilted by the heat and constant diarrhea. To command, you need more than a kepi; you also need troops. In the climate of Fort-Gono the European cadres melted faster than butter. A battalion was like a lump of sugar in your coffee; the longer you looked the less you saw. Most of the white conscripts were permanently in the hospital, sleeping off their malaria, riddled with parasites made to order fo every nook and cranny of the body, whole squads stretched out flat between cigarettes and flies, masturbating under moldy sheets, spinning endless yarns between fits of painstakingly provoked and coddled fever.
  17. We have imagined that a white hospital train with a white Diesel engine has taken you through many a tunnel to a mountainous country by the sea. You are getting well there. But you cannot write because your fingers are so very weak. Moonbeams cannot hold even a white pencil. The picture is pretty, but how long can it stay on the screen? We expect the next slide, but the magic-lantern man has none left. Shall we let the theme of a long separation expand till it breaks into tears? Shall we say (daintily handling the disinfected white symbols) that the train is Death and the nursing home Paradise? Or shall we leave the picture to fade by itself, to mingle with other fading impressions? But we want to write letters to you even if you cannot answer. Shall we suffer the slow wobbly scrawl (we can manage our name and two or three words of greeting) to work its conscientious and unnecessary way across a post card which will never be mailed? Are not these problems so hard to solve because my own mind is not made up yet in regard to your death? My intelligence does not accept the transformation of physical discontinuity into the permanent continuity of a nonphysical element escaping the obvious law, nor can it accept the inanity of accumulating incalculable treasures of thought and sensation, and thought-behind-thought and sensation-behind-sensation, to lose them all at once and forever in a fit of black nausea followed by infinite nothingness. Unquote.
  18. Some people probably fall in love as if they’ve peacefully dropped into a bed of feathers. Falling in love for us was like right before a bike wreck when the front wheel gets all wobbly. Out of control.
  19. She [Angie] looked at the plate he’d set down. “You’re not hungry?”“I’m starving. Hungrier than I’ve ever been in my entire life.” He’d waited for weeks for the right time and even though it was the worst timing possible, he couldn’t wait a second more.Her jaw dropped as he took her plate from her wobbly grip.“I, uh, am in desperate need of a shower.”“Me too,” he whispered, then leaned in and pressed his mouth to her lush lips. She opened immediately for him, inviting his tongue and more as she sighed and sank closer against him. He thrust deep into her mouth, tasting the spicy sauce, tasting her, and plundered for more as pleasure washed over him like a benediction from heaven.
  20. He grinned, a woman’s downfall wrought in a simple stretch of his lips. It was her downfall, certainly, her personal undoing because she never saw the expression outside their private chambers. It was her exclusive domain and never failed to turn her knees wobbly.
  21. It’s a bit wobbly.
  22. Tom looks wobbly.
  23. Really, how often are you likely to use the sauna, and who wants to use a wobbly pool table with bent cue sticks?
  24. Are they measuring up all of your wobbly bits or crippled with their own insecurities?
  25. Fed up with wobbly beach umbrellas that take flight at the slightest breeze?
  26. Why is the table so wobbly?
  27. Justin Bieber’s wobbly walk during a jailhouse sobriety test isn’t the only thing police video captured after his January arrest on driving under the influence and other charges, but it’s not clear if the remaining clips will see the light of day.
  28. Top seed Serena Williams overcame a wobbly start to see off a determined Sloane Stephens -7 (3) -2 -2 on Tuesday and advance to the quarter-finals of the BNP Paribas Open.
  29. As he tried to put Kyle Kubitza’s shaky major league debut in perspective, Angels third-base coach Gary DiSarcina, the former shortstop, recalled his own wobbly baby steps as a big leaguer, his first plate appearance coming on May 1990, in Cleveland, and his first start the following night.
  30. To realise what Kate Moss is like in the flesh will encourage the wobbly women of Britain to shrug off their sarongs and reveal their own imperfect bodies on the beach, writes Liz Jones.
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About Sai Prashanth

IT professional. Love to write.