Tuesday , 1 April 2025

Sapless meaning

Adjective: sapless

Pronunciation: (sap-lus)

Sapless meaning:

  • Lacking bodily or muscular strength or vitality
  • Destitute of sap and other vital juices or dry

Synonyms: decrepit, debile, feeble, infirm, rickety, weak, weakly

sapless and sapless meaning.Lacking bodily or muscular strength or vitality
Lacking muscular strength or vitality

Quotations: George C. Lorimer – There is nothing more pitiable than a soulless, sapless, shrivelled church, seeking to thrive in a worldly atmosphere, rooted in barren professions, bearing no fruit, and maintaining only the semblance of existence; such a church cannot long survive.

Miles Franklin – Every now and again it would be considered wholesome for me to be more with people of my own age. Demotion to such company was a sapless exile. Their inanity was insufferable.

E.R. Eddison – A thin ungracious drink is the well-spring, a drink for queasy-stomached skipjacks: for sand-levericks, not for men. And like it is the dayspring: an ungrateful sapless hour, an hour for stab-i’-the-backs and cold-blooded betrayers. Ah, give me wine, and noon-day vices, and brazen-browed iniquities.

John Ruskin – Of all the affected, sapless, soulless, beginning less, endless, topless, bottomless, top siturviest,  scrannel- pipiest, tongs and boniest doggerel of sounds I ever endured the deadliest of, that eternity of nothing was the deadliest.

Mary Tighe – Yet in that bulb, those sapless scales, the lily wraps her silver vest, till vernal suns and vernal gales shall kiss once more her fragrant breast.

Sample sentences:

  1. Without love in the heart, life is like a sapless tree in a barren desert. What good is a body perfect in outer ways, if inwardly it is impaired by lack of love? With love enshrined in the heart, one lives. Without it, the body is but bone encased in skin.
  2. The trees change their voices in autumn as well as their shapes. No longer do they whisper to one another in muffled tones as they did in summer; they talk in a different leaf-language now. The wind moves through the boughs like fingers drawn across the strings of a harp filling the air with the harsh dry sound of sapless leaves. It is the main theme of the autumn music, this murmuring counterpoint of dead leaves.
  3. He appears a sapless, withered, wasted old creature.
  4. Uprooted and sapless trees lay in various directions, around which parasites wound in luxuriant beauty, and hid the whitened wood in wreaths of green.
  5. Thus trees also, if they are felled in full moon, are harder and more lasting for building, and especially if they are made sapless.
  6. These, from their laxative effects, will serve as antidotes to the dry sapless grasses, which have led to the disease.
  7. Their Christianity is as sapless and fruitless as a dead tree, and as dry and marrow less as an old bone.
  8. On the other hand, it is improbable that such discoveries will be made in Berlin, where man comes into the world washed-out and sapless.
  9. They do not reach any height or size; they seem dry and sapless, totally unlike the tall green succulent rush of the meadows far below.
  10. Then made our escape to the desert wild wilderness of Arabia; where we lived among the wild asses, upon wind, sand, and sapless ling.
  11. Only the idle chatter of the sapless leaves answered to the yearning cry of his broken spirit.
  12. It will all turn to stubble and sapless rigidity before his eyes.
  13. The woods were aflame with the sapless leaves.
  14. The last red roseleaf had fluttered silently down; the last purple sloe had fallen from its sapless stem.
  15. He picked rennet from the grass and bit it, but it was sapless, dried by the summer heat.
  16. The old man was now a withered, a sapless trunk, stripped of the green verdure which had lately bloomed on its hoary summit.
  17. Between these two extremes might be found about five feet ten of humanity, lank, sapless, and stooping.
  18. No wonder that their upper and more exposed branches were leafless, and that the dead bark had peeled away, from sapless old age.
  19. What a sapless, fibreless thing is a man untrained by endurance and untaught by suffering!
  20. The woods were aflame with the sapless leaves.
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About Sai Prashanth

IT professional. Love to write.