Adjective: derelict
Pronunciation: (de-ru,likt)
Derelict meaning:
- Worn and broken down by hard use or lack of care
Synonyms: creaky, decrepit, woebegone
- In deplorable or deteriorating condition
Synonyms: bedraggled, dilapidated, ramshackle, tatterdemalion
- Failing in what his or her duty requires
Synonym: delinquent
- Usually unused and not maintained by the owner or inhabitants
Synonyms: abandoned, deserted

Noun: derelict
Derelict meaning:
- A person without a job, home or property
- A ship abandoned on the high seas.
Quotations: Calvin Coolidge – Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful people with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan “press on” has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race.
Charlotte Hollins – Every time I came home from university, I would come up the drive and it looked like no one lived here. It seemed completely derelict. I had this frustrating feeling that there was energy here waiting to emerge.
Richard Smith – There simply aren’t hundreds of derelict companies out there. It could happen on an isolated basis, but the mechanics don’t exist for this to happen every fifteen minutes.
Rick Fulmer – A good example of that would be a derelict building that may need to be torn down. Of course, it will be the owner’s choice to either repair the building or remove it.
Bernard Kouchner – We had to act. As a doctor and as chief administrator of Kosovo, I would be derelict if I let this threat to the health of children and pregnant women continue for one more day.
Sample sentences:
- She was derelict in her duty. We planned to move her out of the project and map to a different one where the job would be easy.
- She wore a derelict shack on her wedding and we all were shocked seeing that.
- We have visited a street of derelict tenements. The buildings won’t last longer.
- We would be derelict not to investigate where that money is going.
- It’s no more of a hazard than any derelict building.
- There is little or no evidence that shows that states and localities are being derelict in their duties to enforce the law.
- You kind of feel like a derelict after a while, wearing the same shirt every other day. Through all this, no one is complaining. Everyone sees the plight of others and we know we’re fortunate.
- This is a very important principle for any journalist. I would be derelict in my professional duty as a journalist if I were to answer that question.
- The place he was staying at was a derelict house and there was a bunch of younger guys staying in it.
- Over the past five years we have demolished several derelict properties and renovated seven houses and two apartments.